Pride Month Oneshot

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AU: Pastel! Connor
Punk! Evan

"So, how did you break your arm?"

Evan looked up from the computer and glared at the pastel clothed boy, who was smiling warmly back.

"None of your fucking business," he muttered, turning back to the screen.

"But I'm curious!" The boy exclaimed. "I wanna know! Please?"

Evan rolled his eyes and groaned. He ignored him.

"I mean, you're one of the most popular-or, uh, well known," the boy changed his choice or words when Evan glared fiercely at him. "And I wanna know the story behind it! Did you like, crack it when you punched someone?"

No. I broke it when I let go from a fucking forty feet tree in an attempt to kill myself.

"Shut up," He said.

"Can I sign it?"

Evan stopped picking at his chipped black nail polish. He slowly turned around to look at the taller boy.

"W-what?" He choked out, cringing when he heard his stuttering.

"I asked if I could sign it," the boy repeated. He smiled again, and Evan felt his heart clench.

"Why, why are you asking me?" He asked, his voice confused. It wasn't harsh or mean like it usually was, just...genuine-it that's the right word for it.

"Because I want to sign it, of course!" The boy giggled. Evan's felt heat rush to his face.

Good thing the boy turned around to grab a yellow sharpie from his backpack and not noticed the blush on his face.

"I need a cast to sign," he said. Evan hesitantly extended his arm.

The boy wrote his name in big, yellow, curly letters with a heart at the very end. Connor. Huh.

"Uh, t-thanks?" He said, though it sounded more like a question. The boy-er, Connor-looked down at him.

He felt ridiculously short.

"Did the Evan Hansen just thank me?" Connor exclaimed. "I feel blessed!"

Evan rolled his eyes again. "Wait-how do you know my name?" He asked.

"Uhm, didn't I say you were," the brunette held up both his hands, forming a peace sign and bending it twice. "'Well known'?"

He glanced down at his cast.

"So," Connor started. "How did you break your arm?"

Evan almost blurt out the truth. "Uh, I le-fell! Um, out of a tree."

"You fell out of a tree? How?" He asked. Connor had pulled out a chair and sat down next to the blonde boy.

"Well, I was just climbing this really tall tree because, well, fun and exercise, and when I reached the very top I-I uh," Evan's mouth suddenly fell dry.

Connor raised an eyebrow, trying to indicate for the boy to continue. He felt it weird how someone just stopped talking and couldn't continue in the middle of a story.

"I-" Evan croaked. He couldn't get his lie to fall out his mouth. He, for some reason, wanted to tell this cute boy the truth.

Uh, not cute-just uh-to tell this boy the truth.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked softly when he saw Evan's eyes starting to water a bit.

"I-the tree-I uh-" Evan cut himself up with a quick suck of air.

"You fell, right? That's what you said before?"

"I, n-no, I mean-the, the tree"

Evan suddenly let out a cry. He covered his mouth as tears started streaming down. His breathing started quickening.

Connor had yelped and put his arms up, reaching towards the crying boy. He didn't know what was happening, but it was something about how the punk boy broke his arm.

Evan shook the taller boy's hands away. He shut his eyes tight, suddenly gasping for air.

Connor was very worried now. He gently put and arm on the boy, who flinched and jerked away in fear.

Evan was not having such a great time right now. His vision was blurry. There was something ringing in his ear. It was getting louder every second. His throat hurt, and he couldn't breath.

He felt trapped. He felt himself trapped in a tight room, the walls getting closer and tighter together every moment. The walls squeezed him, and he couldn't leave.

Arms wrapped tightly around him.

He felt a bit shaken back to reality. The walls gave him a good centimeter of more room.

He squeezed whoever was hugging him. He remember hugging his mother tightly like this when his father had left them alone.

And so he cried into this person's shoulder. They rubbed circles on his back.

"I-I, I'm-I'm" he cut off with a cry.

"Shhh it's okay," they soothed gently. "Shh, don't talk."

The voice was so soft. So gently. He

This made his cry harder, though.

"You're okay, you're okay," the reassured. He eventually calmed his breathing, but he was still crying.

He's got a lot of tears in him.

Evan opened his eyes and came to his senses. He realized the boy he was holding on for dear life as Connor.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. Connor just rubbed circles on his back. He started humming.

Evan liked it. It was calming.

"Do you want to come over to my house today? You can tell me what's wrong, it's okay," Connor asked. "I can help you."

Evan thought for a bit before nodding into the brunette's shoulder. He sighed and closed his eyes.

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