Chapter Nine: Marriage

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Evan's POV

Connor was getting his wounds fixed up. The nurse was frantically trying to help him, Evan watched from the corner.

The nurse told him to stay and not move. So that's exactly what he did.

He protested, saying that he could help-considering how his mother was a nurse and trained him-but she didn't listen.

Evan was slightly pissed. Okay, very pissed. His boyfriend just got beaten up the day after he was released form the hospital due to a suicide attempt, how could he not be pissed when he was told he couldn't help?

When Evan was pissed, he was petty.

The nurse looked stressed. She trailed wrapping bandages around his wounds, but she didn't wrap the correctly, causing them to fall apart.

And she had just had no idea what to do.

"Hey kid, grab me another roll," she said, pointed to a cup of bandages. Evan rested his head on his hand.

"Sorry, can't. You t-told me to stay here," he said, shrugging. The nurse glared at him.

"Look kid, I don't want to be here at all. You're not making this any better. So, if you want your friend to be all well and dandy, you'll want to give me the roll," she says, groaning in frustration.

"I'm well aware of that. Doesn't look like you're v-very fond of this place," Evan hummed. "But anyway, he'd already be all 'well and dandy', if you'd j-just let me patch him up."

The nurse looked enraged. She opened her mouth to argue, but instead, she just slammed her hands on the counter and screeched, "If you want to this job so badly, then why don't you?!"

Evan hopped of his chair, humming while making his way over to Connor with a tissues and bandages. "Well, mam, it's because you t-told me to stay seated."

The blonde boy quickly, but gently, cleaned up Connor's opened wounds. Once the bleeding was under control, he wrapped the bandages securely and correctly.

He also wrapped bandages around his boyfriend's torso and put an ice pack on the huge bruise on his face.

The nurse was staring at him with shock and anger. She marched out the room, stomping angrily the whole way.

Once Evan was done, he quickly cleaned up the workspace. He sat down next to Connor, gently holding his hand.

"You scare me, you know," he muttered to him. "Always g-getting into fights like that. And right after you got our the hospital? What w-were you thinking?"

He sighed. He felt a wave of déjà vu. It felt like he was visiting Connor at the hospital all over again.

"Saturday's the big day," he chuckled. "Mom and P-Paul are getting married. You'll be there to help me, right? I don't w-want to be out there all alone."

Connor gave a small smile. The bell rang. Evan kissed his forehead, muttering a goodbye, and left for class.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Avenue Q~

As lunch rolled around, Evan spotted Connor walking out the nurse's room. He quickly ran to his boyfriend, hugging him.

Connor let out a yelp of surprise before smiling and kissing Evan's head.

"You scared me!" The smaller boy exclaimed. The taller one chuckled.

"Let's go get some lunch," he said.

~Huge Gay Time Skip~


Connor groaned as Evan pulled on his hair. "Ow!" He exclaimed, biting his lip.

"Sorry! Your hair is j-just really tangled!" Evan stopped brushing, sighing in exasperation. "It's stuck again."

Connor groaned, still biting his lip. "How much longer is this gonna take?"

Evan somehow was able to get the brush untangled from Connor's hair. After about fifteen more minutes, Connor's hair was in a ponytail.

"You two done making having sex in there?" Jeremy called from the outside of the room.

"Jeremy!" Evan shouted, flustered. "We are NOT having s-sex!"

"Wait we're having sex?" Connor questioned. "Why didn't you tell me Ev? I would've brought some lube."

Jeremy burst out laughing. Evan hit his boyfriend's arm, face red. "We're done!"

Connor's face quickly morphed into fear and sadness. Evan soon realized his mistake as the brunette's eyes began to water.

"No no no no!" He quickly exclaimed. "I didn't mean we were breaking u-up! I just meant that we were done getting r-ready!"

Connor's eyes widened, before he reached down to engulf Evan in a hug.

Evan laughed, patting his back.

~Time Skip To Da Wedding~

"Alright alright that's what I'm talking about!" Jared exclaimed as Heidi and Paul went in for the kiss.

Alana smacked her head. Connor and Evan rolled their eyes. Zoe and both Veronica kicked Jared.

Evan gazed at the event. His boyfriend's arm were draped around him.

"I want our wedding to b-be like this," he blurted. Connor froze.

Evan's face heated. He started sputtering out gibberish. The brunette shut him up with a kiss.

"Oh, I promise it will be better," Connor whispered.

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