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Dearest Unicorn,

        I am so lucky to get to know you. You are one of my inspirations in life; one of the reasons why I happily reached this moment of my life. You touched my heart in so many ways; you even put colors in my world which was in one case just plain; your smile is my vitamins, it gives me strength; your simple gestures send shivers to my psyche; that deep dimple of yours, makes me adore you still more; those lips, how I wish I can kiss them in my aspirations; your gaze that melts my very soul; your smirk that kills my spirit unintentionally; whenever I watch you laugh, I keep wondering how on earth would a pure person like you exist in my world, a world which I made you as the foundation; most of all, YOU, you are a God given gift whom I will cherish in my wonderful world. A gift I will bury in my heart forever. You may not know and will never know my existence, but I worship yours. Loving and supporting you from afar is enough to make me consider myself a fan who is worthy of your hard work. Today, on your very special day, I only wish happiness and good health will stay with you and your brothers. Thank you for being the kind Zhang Yi Xing, the talented Lay, the cute Unicorn, the innocent Xing Xing. Thank you for showing us the real you. Twenty-four years of your existence, you are forever loved and cared, and will forever be loved and cared. HAPPY BIRTHDAY/SAENG-IL CHUKHA HAE/ZHU NI SHENGRI KUAILE, MY ULTIMATE BIAS, ZHANG YI XING! ayabyew!



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