"Some of them don't remember arriving here, and many remember coming, but nothing after that. Most said they were forced to come by the man who was behind it all, others believe they were hypnotized or controlled."

I looked to Sebastian, and he seemed to be thinking the same thing I was. That demon had forced all of these humans to come and attack me. He had put them in a trance just like he had with me. But if they were able to come out of it once their master was killed...

Suddenly, the door opened again, and I jumped a little, startled. Evan entered the room, glancing around at all of the worried and concentrated faces.

"Um... Is this a bad time?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, Evan. It's fine."

James looked to me again. "A friend of yours?"

I shook my head. "More of an acquaintance, really."

Evan gave a fake gasp. "I'm hurt."

I rolled my eyes, then walked over and sat on one of the couches, my mind going back to my previous thoughts. But I didn't get to think on them long.

"Well," James said, clearly still confused about Evan's sudden entrance, "it's about time we left, I believe. No need to overstay our welcome, plus we need to report what happened here today."

Dan stood as I nodded to James. I really didn't mind having them around, but they had work to do, and I could use a little alone time after nearly being murdered. Besides, based on what Lisa said, I have some things to talk to Sebastian about.

I started to stand, but James didn't let me. "We'll be fine. You've been through a great deal this afternoon. Relax for a little while."

I simply sat back down and nodded.

James waved for Dan and Lisa to follow him. Sebastian opened the door and led them out. When he returned a few moments later, he was holding what appeared to be a washcloth.

Sebastian knelt on the floor in front of me and started gently washing away the drying blood on my leg. I let him, and sat back with a heavy sigh.

"Those people... they were being controlled?" I asked, staring up at the ceiling.

"It certainly appeared that way," Sebastian answered. "They did what they were told immediately, and they didn't try to hurt you or anyone else. They only thrashed about when they were getting blocked off."

"But they hurt you," I commented, glancing at him. It was then that I realized he'd somehow found time to change out of his bloodied shirt.

His gentle smile returned. "Actually, his demon friends were the ones who attacked and held me back. The humans being controlled did not harm me."

I sat up a little, ready to voice my next thought. "Lisa said they didn't remember doing any of what they did."

Sebastian nodded, but said nothing else.

I took a deep breath. "Does that mean the spell broke when you killed him?"

He glanced up from scrubbing my leg to meet my gaze. "It would appear that way. However, what he was trying to do to you today was different. I am unsure if killing the person responsible would save you once it is done."

I turned my gaze to Evan, who was now staring at the paint on the wall. As if he could feel my stare, he spoke up. "I'm not sure, either. I guess we could try it, if it ever comes down to it. But I would think if you were taken with the both of us protecting you, we wouldn't be of much use trying to kill him."

Sebastian stood then, and I glanced up in time to watch him remove his gloves, which must have gotten wet from the washcloth. The dark pentagram of our contract shone on his left hand. He didn't bother to cover it back up.

I glanced down at my clean leg. "Thank you."

I could hear his smile as he spoke, "It is my pleasure, My Love."

There was a moment of silence between the three of us, then I decided to voice what I was sure we were all thinking. "So this means they've found me."

Neither of them answered, and I took their silent glances to one another as a yes.

"So now what do I do?"

"Well, I would recommend relocating," Evan stated. "Clearly they know where you live now, and the demons who escaped are going to go back and tell others where you are. I would expect a large number of them here in a day or two."

"It is not a bad idea," Sebastian added. "We need to make sure you are safe. The problem would be trying to leave undetected."

"And Jasmine will be calling the house if I don't contact her. If I don't pick up, they'll all fly home. I'm not risking their lives." I thought for a moment. "Maybe it's time I finally invest in a cell phone..."

Evan clapped his hands once. "Great! You do that, and I'll think up a plan to get you out of here without anyone noticing. We'll have to tell Lisa, of course."

"And James," I added.

"And James," Evan agreed. "I'll be back with a plan tomorrow." And with that, he left.

I looked back up to Sebastian as he spoke. "You've had quite an eventful afternoon. Why don't you go rest for a while and we'll go get you a phone this evening?"

"I'm going outside?" I asked warily.

"No one is going to attack you somewhere as crowded as a store, I promise you that. And if they do, I will be right beside you."

I nodded, then let Sebastian help me to my feet before I ascended the stairs to my bedroom. 

Yes, My Love (Sequel to Yes, My Lady) (Black Butler Fanfic) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now