Sungjae did that punching in the air reaction and Jiyeon, stationed behind the cashier gave him a weird look. It's not everyday you will see someone popular show a genuine reaction like that and it's kind off overwhelming to see.

"Thanks!" Sungjae beamed like a huge child, "Wear something formal please," He reminded and then left immediately to go to a tailor's shop.

"Open it please~," Areum said, clasping her hands as a gesture and it was too adorable that Sungjae's heart flipped.

He again looked at Joy and the female only nodded at him.

He gently tore the wrapper and was greeted by a black box. Judging by the design, he already know what is it, "A cologne," He said smiling, "I guess I don't smell good huh?" He joked.

"Noooo~," Areum countered with such conviction, "You smell amazing. I like your smell," She's trying to convince Sungjae judging by the way her eyes widen, her hand gestures are like she's going to fight him if he ever disagree.

Sungjae couldn't stop himself from laughing, she found the little girl too adorable.

Then Joy decided to join the conversation, "Actually, when I told Areum that it's your birthday today, her initial reaction was, we don't have a gift for him yet," Joy started, the two's attention are suddenly on her, "So we both decided to go to the mall and find something that you might want,"

"We couldn't find any," Areum interrupted, then suddenly looked at her Eomma, "Sorry,"

Joy smiled at her daughter, "It's okay. Do you want to tell the story to Policeman-ahjussi?"

Areum nodded so Joy motioned for her to continue. It amazes Sungjae how the two are so parallel and matched.

"And then a lady approached us. She said we can create our own scent, I don't know what that means but Eomma said we should follow the lady so we did," Areum explained, "And then there's so many colorful liquids there with different smell and then the lady instructed us on what to do to create our own scent," Areum seems to be having a trouble on how to continue so Joy decided to intervene.

"Basically, that perfume is made by Areum and I," Joy laughed "You can't throw that away or we'll be angry. You should use that everytime you visit Areum. Right baby?"

"Yeah!" Areum answered witn doubled enthusiasm.

Sungjae couldn't contain the feeling and went down to Areum's height for a tight hug, "Thank you! I'll use it well," He whispered and Areum, like an adult pretender she is, pats Sungjae's back like she knew what it means. She don't though, she just sees that action a lot on TV.

After the hug, Sungjae stayed on his squatting position and looked up at Joy who's watching them intently.

He raised his hand, as if he's asking to be pulled up. Joy rolled her eyes but took his hand. She was a little surprised with how tight Sungjae's hold is. His huge hand is really warm and manly and, damn, is that her heart beating erratically?

"Youㅡ Thank you..." Sungjae is at loss for words. The way his eyes are glistening tells how much touched he is.

One dinner is enough but the fact that Joy went through all the trouble just to give him a gift is sending electricity to his whole body.

Joy held his hand with the same intensity and pulled him up, "I swear if you cry right now," She mumbled and Sungjae looked up to stop the tears that are threatening to fall.

Areum looked up at them in confusion.

Not long after, the three went down to Sungjae's car and went to the busiest part of the town for a special dinner.

The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now