Who's The Lucky Girl?

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{A/N} Continued from the last one-shot and there are only 4 chapters left! Suggestion by ImLilMissComplicated 

Peter's POV

"I-I'm sorry, what?" I splutter when Clint asks the question. He wiggles his eyebrows and I groan, covering my face with my hands as I lower myself on a chair. "W-Well, there's this, one girl." Everyone seemed to be interested in that statement and leaned forward to hear what I had to say.

"So, who is it really?" Dad asks me. I sunk into my seat once more. "It's, um, well, it's MJ?" I sigh and everyone whispers to each other, then turn back to me. "Peter, we'll teach you on how to get the girl!" Dad says triumphantly. "W-What-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was taken away into my room.

"Okay, Peter, you have to win her over. That means buying her chocolates, puppies, anything and everything!" Rhodey says and takes something out of the closet. He throws a suit at me. "Wear this!" He shouts and I stare at the suit. "Why do I-" Then I am dragged into another room.

"You need to know what she likes, her personality, and her hobbies. We're girls so you should listen to us!" Wanda and Natasha throw several books at me, then I am dragged into another room.

"You need to know some pickup lines, something that would flatter the girl. Compliment them in every way!" Sam and Bucky shouted at me, as they recited some pickup lines over and over again. I was dragged into another room, my legs already giving up.

Steve and Dad were in this room. "Come on Pete, charm her, and don't use the word 'fondue'!" Steve shouts at me and I get even more bewildered by the second. "And make sure to wear some sunglasses, then take them off and give her a wink!" Dad said while he shoved an orange pair of sunglasses on my face.

The rest of the Avengers rush into the room and shout things at me. Then I lose it. "Stop! I'm not going to take anyone's advice! I'll just talk to her myself!" I sigh as I rush out of the room. There I see Bruce. He smiles at me and said, "Peter, be calm. It's okay to be nervous at first. You don't need to charm her or anything. Just be calm," His voice was calm as his words.

I smile and nod at him. The next day, I meet MJ at the park. "H-Hey, MJ." She smirks at me, "Hey Loser," She says, and continues to read her book. "You look, nice," I say, trying to be a gentleman. "Therefore, I have value?" She says, raising an eyebrow at me. "N-NO! That's not what I meant I-" But she shut me up by placing her lips on mine.


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