Where is he?

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{A/N} This is really sad, and some bits may make you cry   (╥﹏╥)

Tony POV

The Avengers and I were in Time Square, many citizens around us, many witnessed Thanos' death. The Titan lay dead on the heart of the streets; his body lay inanimate. Captain Marvel reclaims the gauntlet from his grasp and wore it.

Suddenly, dust hovered into the atmosphere and many people were rebuilt. There was Bucky, Vision, Dr Strange, the Guardians of the galaxy, Wanda and many others who diminished within the purple monster's grasp. But no Peter.

I began to panic. Where was he? I searched everywhere, no Peter. Tears began to well in my eyes, Steve came over to me and patted my back, "What's wrong Tony?" I couldn't respond. An air bubble in my mouth was formed, stopping any words from coming out. I could only force one word out. "P-Peter."

He just looked at me in confusion, so did everyone else. I sat down on the ground, helpless. The only person closest to what I could ever call a son was gone. I dreamed about Pepper and me to have a son, I dreamed of Peter. 

Suddenly, dust began to hover next to me, I looked to the spot to find a teenage boy being reformed. Wait, was this him? The chestnut hair, the fair skin, the brown eyes, the spiderman suit. Oh god, it was him!

I got up in less than a second and hugged him, we embraced each other for a long minute, then let go. I cupped his face and looked into those brown eyes. "I thought I lost you forever, Pete," I whispered tenderly into one of his ears. He smiled back and spoke, "I missed you too, dad." 

The words were forever stuck in my heart, it was the warmest thing to ever happen to me. 

{A/N} I am crying of happiness, and I am fangirling the father and son relationship a bit too much (ㆆᴗㆆ)

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