The Last Donut

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3rd Person POV

The Avengers walked into the kitchen, all craving something. They all wanted the last, pink icing, rainbow sprinkled doughnut, save Thor who was currently devouring his Pop-Tarts. No one dared to touch his Pop-Tarts after the last incident (Tacos falling from the sky because Thor was throwing them from Asgard).

What the rest didn't know that they all craved the same thing. When they walked into the kitchen, they all reached for the same cupboard. Tony snatched the doughnut, realising that he wasn't the only one, and ran away as fast as he could.

"Oh no, you don't!" Natasha screamed from the kitchen, as she chased after Tony, lunging towards him and grabbing the doughnut packet. She was about to open it when Steve knocked it out with his shield and ran to get it. But Bucky jumped over the couch and grabbed it before anyone else could. Rhodey ran and knocked Bucky to the ground, taking the doughnuts.

Although he had to drop it because Sam pushed him and caught the doughnuts. Clint shot an arrow and it almost hit Sam, so he had to duck and Clint grabbed the doughnuts. Bruce became frustrated because he wanted the doughnuts, but he had to leave the room and eat the burritos instead, so Hulk wouldn't come out.

Wanda opened Clint's hand and took the doughnuts; she was about to grab it but Vision came in and tried to grab the doughnut, but the packet fell somewhere. Loki, being mischievous, stole the doughnuts and teleported to Peter's room.

"Hey, Mr Loki!" Peter exclaimed while at his desk doing his homework. "Hello, child," Loki responded, walking towards the peaceful boy. "I have a treat for you," He said, before handing the doughnut packet to Peter. "Thank you, Mr Loki!" Peter exclaimed, a beam on his face. He took out the doughnut and ate it calmly.

Peter surely loved his doughnuts.

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