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3rd Person POV

Thor was hungry. His stomach was grumbling like a volcano.

He sprinted, faster than any man on earth (well, except Peter when he was high the other day) and he ran into the kitchen.

His head turned to the cupboard, which was behind him. Yes, if you did your maths, his head turned 180° (Thor is secretly half-owl, don't ask).

He literally jumped on the counter and swung open the cupboard, and grabbed the Pop-tart pack. He has a very unhealthy obsession with those snacks. If someone ate them, he would have died.

He was ready to devour the delicious, mouth-watering pastry when...

Thor's POV



I won't let this happen! My Pop-tarts! I swear, I will murder the person who stole it!

3rd Person POV

Since the kitchen and living room were connected (where all of the Avengers were right now) say saw a display which they, let's say, always remember for the rest of their pain-forsaken lives.

They witnessed Thor rush into the kitchen, jump onto the counter like fucking Kermit the frog, scream like a young girl, then cry like a baby. What the fuck. Everyone stared in shock; the manliest man you'll ever man-hunt was sulking on a counter while screaming the manly life out of himself.

He literally leapt through the doorway and jumped onto the couch, which was at the centre of the room.


With that, he ran out of the room and transported to the shops, to buy a gazillion-billion-trillion-quadrillion more packs of Pop-tarts. He came back home with so much, even Tony thought that he would be in debt.

Little did they all know, Peter was in his room, munching away on the last Pop-tart.

{A/N} IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! I just found out that my teachers allowed us to take our phones and use them in Wales, which I am happy about, so I guess I will be able to write more! Though, it won't be as much, since there are lots of fun activities at the residential home!

Avengers One-shots | CRACK-FIC | MARVEL AU ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin