Science Fair

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{A/N} I am so bored (ε ̄)So I will make another one-shot chapter. Note: Tony is Peter's biological dad.

Peter POV

Ugh. Today we have a science fair. Wait for it...


Someone slap the soul out of me please    ( ̄ε(# ̄)

Ned is fangirling over them even though he has met them about a dozen times, and MJ is only excited for Pepper/Mum. The whole school is on the field and everyone is surrounding Flash because his dad works at the tower. If only they all knew that I lived with the Avengers. And the one and only Anthony Edward Stark is my biological father! Flash's dad is a really snobby man, even at the tower; I know see where Flash got his idiocy from.

The Avengers appear on the stage, one by one, with dad at the end, doing his grand entrance. Everyone starts cheering and clapping. Flash is legit screaming in joy. Oh god. Tony takes to the centre stage and holds the microphone. "Hello, small people," he makes eye contact with me and smirks. "Today is the first ever MidTown Tech and Avengers science fair!" A lot of cheers erupted from the audience.

"You will all take turns to go to each stall in your groups, afterwards, we will all sit down and start the Q and A." Claps were heard and the crowd dispersed to the many stalls around the field. We all had 15 minutes on each stall, there was a robot building competition stall and I won an award for my robot. It's not much of a surprise since I help dad with his Iron Man suit.

(ó﹏ò。) This is Mumble, Bob's girlfriend, yes Bob is not single, he is taken, sorry to all of the heartbroken people. 

It was time for the Q and A, and we all sat down on our chairs. Ned and MJ sat at the front to get closer to their heroes, while I sat down at the back, praying to dear Odin, that I won't be spotted by any of the Avengers. Especially dad...

Dad took centre stage again and held the microphone. "Welcome to the Q and A!" Claps, cheers and screams erupted from the crowd. Damn, my ears would have bled because of how loud it was! Then the questioning commenced. Many hands rose all at once, and coincidentally, Flash was the first to speak. Wow. 

"Are any high school interns allowed at the tower?" Many gasps awoke, everyone thought that my internship was all just a big lie, they couldn't wait for the truth. Tony opened his mouth to speak, "Only college and graduators are allowed, but, there is one special intern from this school, who is a high schooler." The smirk from Flash's face disappeared and gasps could be heard all over the room. 

"Peter Stark, can you come up please?" Tony asked for me, and I just died, but I had to go. I stood up from the crowd and many eyes fell on me. Students and teachers glared at me as I walked towards the stage to my dad. "This is my biological son, Peter, the heir of Stark Industries." Dad held me by the shoulder and smiled at me. I smiled back. Suddenly, the whole crowd erupted with cheering and I smiled.

I am still shook.

{A/N} BOOM! Another freaking chapter done! My hands hurt ╥﹏╥

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