Camping Trip

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{A/N} I know I haven't been posting for a while, but I am in love with this book I am reading. I also have a lot of homework which sucks  (T╭╮T)

3rd Person POV

Ned, Peter and MJ decided to go on a camping trip since they were bored as hell, and homework sucks so screw that too. When they set up their tents, they sat inside and looked up.

"Hey, Ned? What do you see up there? Do you know what it means?" Peter asked Ned. Ned replied while dazed up at the beautiful scenery. "Well, I see millions of stars. They're all so beautiful. Maybe, there may be other living creatures gazing up at the stars just like that? Imagine an alien looking at the stars at the same time you are. Or maybe it is daytime for them. Do other alien planets have their own sun and moon? Imagine if there were more than two suns on one planet?"

Before Ned could ramble any further, MJ cut in, "No you dipshit, it means that someone stole our tent."

{A/N} Sorry to cut it short, but I have to finish off my French homework Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)

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