Uh... I go to the gym?

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{A/N} I had no idea where I was going with this so please don't kill me    ಥ‿ಥ

Peter POV

Being Spiderman gives you a lot of advantages such as:

Being strong ✔

Spider senses ✔

Smartness ✔

Good eyesight ✔

Metabolism ✔

Climb Walls ✔

Being strong ✔

Wait, did I mention 'Being strong' twice? Well, that's because I have like an eight pack and some muscles which make my clothes so tight, that I can't fit in them. Don't get me wrong, I love being strong, and I'm not completely buffed up! But there was a big difference since the spider bite.

ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ Now I escort you to Monday!

Peter POV

The first lesson we have is swimming, and the school had just gotten a swimming pool inside of it. I regret coming today. What if people see my body? My identity will get out! Ugh, I don't wanna try and do the 'I forgot my kit' plan because I'd just end up with some unpleasant spare swimming costume.

I walk into the changing room sighing. "Hey, Penis! Scared that everyone will see your weak, boney body!" There were a few laughs and giggles. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him, why does Flash assume way off key? 

I changed secretly so no one saw my body. I come out of the changing rooms wearing a grey, one-extra-size-bigger hoodie on top of my abs. I ambered across to my class. I got a lot of stares and teases from my peers, but I didn't care, I just had to get out of this lesson and I'll be fine.

"Peter, you are surely not swimming with an oversized hoodie, are you?" Coach Wilson points at me and gestures for me to take my hood off. I sighed again and went to the nearest bench. "Ha! Penis is gonna show his bony body!" Flash exclaimed and in return, a lot of laughs were heard. I wish Ned and MJ were in the same lesson as me.

Then a chant was heard, something along the lines of "Show Yourself!" God, why are people so cruel? I take off my hoodie with my back towards the chanting crowd. I sigh and turn around. It immediately fell silent. They all stared at me wide-eyed, even the coach was gawking at my abs. Flash spoke up, "What the hell Peter?! You could have beaten me up this whole time!" I look at him with a soft smile, "I didn't want to hurt anyone, and surprisingly, not even you." 

His jaw hung loose, my dear God, it could have fallen off any second now. "Can we continue the lesson now?" I hated it when people stare at me.


{A/N} Lmao, I am cringing at my own work. I'm so unfit lol ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

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