Just some random thoughts and theories

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Let's start with some random thoughts

1. I was eating a Peanut butter sandwich while watching Harry Potter, then, I suddenly choked on my sandwich. Peanut butter can kill. While I was near my deathbed, the peanut butter made me think about allergies, which leads to death, and I was watching Harry Potter. Then it ticked! Deaths in Harry Potter! What am I doing with my life?

2. Imagine it's your anniversary, and your companion is a vegetarian. I had a dream where I bought them flowers and they just ate it. I had a heart attack.

3. I was just day-dreaming about a couple I saw drawn in this comic. The man gets on one knee in front of the lady, the lady gets all hyped up. Then he gets on two knees and the woman is all like 'What in the actual fuck'. The man lies on the floor and the woman starts to think if he is possessed or not. She finally calls his name and questions what he is doing. The man says, "I'm trying to slither out of a relationship." I have never laughed so hard at the dinner table in my life.

4. You know how in Harry Potter fanfics, they describe him as the raven-haired boy. I just imagined Harry in a raven costume screaming, "YEAH, I'M A RAVEN! CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"

5. I was watching a Snickers advertisement, then it said, "You're not you when you're hungry," and I started to question myself since I am always hungry.

6. I was scrolling through Twitter, and there was a post which said 'I wish I could wear a hijab, then I don't need to wash my hair." And the best reply on earth said 'Girl, we're Muslims, not cavewomen'.

7. Peter turned to dust with his suit on and he was unmasked. Imagine he appears in the soul world and everyone starts to stare at him. Then he realises that he has no mask on.

Okay, now for theories ~ Avengers Endgame

1. There are rumours that Loki comes back to life and holds the 7th Infinity Stone.

2. Since Doctor Strange can go through different dimensions (like the mirror dimension) he could maybe talk to the living Avengers on a way to defeat Thanos, while still being stuck in the soul world.

3. Ant-Man got out of the quantic realm, and he has the portal in his van. Since he took the same van to the rest of the Avengers, they may know a way of getting everyone back from the soul world.

4. Pepper Potts has a purple suit called 'Rescue Armor' so she can use that to battle Thanos, and supposedly save her fiance and Nebula.

5. Since Thor and Captain Marvel can travel through space, they could also have a chance of saving Tony and Nebula.

6. Through the quantic realm, Ant-Man and the Avengers could also time travel to get all the stones before Thanos does and save half of the universe.

Okay, I am done spilling all the nonsense I have in my brain, goodbye (O)

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