School Lockdown

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{A/N} Some of you may not know that I am a Muslim, and for one whole month, I will be fasting. Fasting is when you go through the day without eating or drinking until sunset. You also have to eat your breakfast before sunrise; this will make me tired and I can only write short stories, sorry for the inconvenience.

I tried to make this angsty, but every time I write angst, it somehow turns into humour and I just die. Humour is my strong point in writing so I just screw up when I write angst. So when someone requests something angsty, might as well not because I can only write humour.

3rd Person POV

It was a normal day in MidTown High. Peter was having his usual Chemistry class until he heard a scream with his super hearing powers. He immediately stood up, in an abrupt way, and everyone stared at him as if he had seven heads.

"Everyone! Run to the Gymnasium!" Peter shouted before grabbing his bag and running off. MJ and Ned knew that Peter's spider-sense must have sensed this, so they ran after him.

Pretty soon, the whole class ran down to the Gymnasium to find all the students in there.

"How did you know?" Flash asked Peter, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms.

"Uh, I'm like a notification?" Peter stuttered, completely fazed by his words. Soon enough, the alarms started to blare and the words, "Invacuation in progress" kept on blaring with the alarm.

After about 3 minutes, the whole of the school was standing in the Gymnasium. It was silent until they heard a scream, a gunshot and men shouting over each other. Everyone's heart froze in fear and Peter looked over at his separated friends. "Can't you do anything?" Ned mouthed to Peter, but Peter just shook his head gesturing to the teachers by the door.

Soon enough, the doors burst open and about 10 men with guns walked into the room, their guns pointing at the students and they were shouting for them to put their hands up. No one needed to be told twice to put their hands up. One man stepped forward and pointed his gun forward. He pointed his gun to one side of the crowd.

"This part will be safe!" The man shouted as he gestured with his gun; the crowd split into two groups. Peter was relieved that his friends were in the safe part. Flash was also in the same part. The man pointed at the middle, "This part will be kept hostage!" He shouted and some students looked at each other in fear.

The man pointed his gun at Peter, "And he will be killed!" There were a lot of gasps and screams from the students. Peter turned to face his friends, sorrow in his eyes. The man shot Peter in the stomach once, but Peter furrowed his eyebrows and looked at where the shot was. Peter looked at the man confused.

There were many screams and sobs in the crowd, but Peter just went confused. The man shot Peter another three times, and Peter started to giggle. "Stop it! That tickles!" Peter exclaimed, laughing his head. Everyone stared in utter shock. The man shot Peter another two times, but Peter started laughing even louder and harder. He started to dance around while chuckling his head off.

The man stared in confusion, then pointed the gun at his foot to check if the gun was working. He shot his foot and howled in pain. He started to scream and cry; with his bad foot, he kicked the gun towards Peter by accident and Peter picked it up. Peter pointed the gun at the man's head and shot him, killing him instantly.

Peter killed the other men and laughed even harder. "I swear that was an accident!" Peter boomed as he laughed. Everyone was bewildered at the boy, their classmate just murdered 10 people! Peter stopped laughing and looked at the wounds, "Ned, call Mr Stark, I need to go to the hospital," he said.

Everyone was confused but then realised that Mr Stark was Tony Stark. Ned took out his phone with shaking hands and called Mr Stark. "Hey, Ted! What's the problem?" Tony said from the phone but MJ snatched the phone. "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? YOUR SON HAS 6 BULLETS INSIDE OF HIM BY A GUN AND IS NEARLY BLEEDING TO DEATH, YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE ANTHONY EDWARD STARK!" MJ screamed into the phone.

It only took two seconds for Tony to burst in through the doors in his Iron Man suit with a dozen paramedic vans behind him. He ran up to his son who was still laughing his head off. "H-Hey Dad. What do you do when you shoot a man with a paintball gun? YoU wAtCh HiM dYe!" Peter joked while laughing. Tony just carried him all the way to the van to get him sorted.

Oh boy, that was one hell of a school day...

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