Arm Wrestle

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3rd Person POV

Peter was walking across the canteen to find his friends (AKA MJ and Ned) until he heard a lot of cheering.

Peter, being the curious little child he is (Awww my heart *dramatically presses hand on chest*) and walked over to the crowd. When he did, he found a vast amount of people crowding around something?

Peter peered over the millions of heads when he found Flash and another student's arm wrestling each other. Flash, being the sporty jock, won the round and a wave of cheering appeared from the crowd.

"Who else wants to try and wrestle me?!" Flash boomed. Peter put his hand up, knowing he'll beat his bully into oblivion. "Did you see that? The nerd wants to go up against me!" This caused a lot of chuckles and giggles from the crowd.

"Come on then Penis! Let's see if you can try and beat me!" Flash exclaimed. Peter stepped through the crowd and sat down on the bench, opposing Flash as he did so. Thing is, no one knows how strong Peter is, and no one has seen his muscles. So let's say that they were all surprised to see him step forward.

Peter and Flash placed their hands together. "3, 2, 1, go!" Peter easily slammed Flash's hand to the table. This made everyone confused, and Flash was definitely angry.

"I wasn't ready on that one, let's do it again." Flash and Peter placed their hands together again."3, 2, 1, go!" Peter easily slammed his opponent's hand again. Now everyone was really bewildered. The nerd of the school was beating the king of jocks in an arm wrestle match?

"I guess I win, lol," Peter said in a monotone voice. Peter caught sight of MJ and Ned and ran up to them. "That was awesome, dude!" Ned exclaimed, even though he knew that Peter was Spider-man.

"Got to say, loser, I'm quite impressed," MJ said while placing a hand on his shoulder.

Let's just say that Flash never messed with Peter again.

Avengers One-shots | CRACK-FIC | MARVEL AU ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora