Wait, WHAT?!

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{A/N} This story was suggested by my friend Saira. In this one-shot, the only person who knows that Peter is Spider-Man is Tony, no one else (other than some mysterious people).

3rd Person POV

Peter walked into the living room and found that most of the Avengers were there. Some were lounging, some were watching Netflix, and some were eating. All except...

"Hey guys, where's Clint?" Peter asked his fellow Avengers. Ned and MJ were also sitting on the sofa. They all shrugged their shoulders, not knowing where Clint was.

Suddenly, an arrow shot towards Peter, causing his senses to go haywire. He immediately jumped upwards and stuck to the ceiling. Everyone in the room turned to look at Peter. "How did you do that!" Clint exclaimed, pointing at Peter in astonishment.

Peter jumped down and said, "Oh yeah, I'm Spiderman," All the Avengers nodded and went back to doing their things but then turned back to the kid in realisation, "Wait, WHAT?!" Most of them shouted in unison.

Natasha jumped up and down screaming, "I fucking knew it!" While MJ just shrugged since she found out ages ago. Ned said, "I kinda knew by accident," while the rest of them, save Tony, stared at the kid with their mouths open wide.

"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" Peter mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

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