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Jungkook POV

I walk through the hallway and smirk as I see basically everyone's heads turn just to look at me. Some kid bumps his shoulder on mine and I turn around just to push him on the ground and kick his books so they scatter everywhere.

I sometimes like the attention I get but I mostly hate it. For me, gaining so much attention is tiring and I hate that I'm single just because everyone wants me and it's so annoying! For once I would love to find a guy who isn't going to beg on his knees for me. I-I mean girl! A girl!!!

Good thing that school is going to end, it's Friday. Hiding the fact that I'm gay from everyone is really hard for me...

I head to the roof of the high school which is where me and my friends hang out after school, it's our daily thing.

As I head up there my friend Jimin waves me over while he's showing Hoseok something on his phone, "Jungkook! So what's happening with your whole 'new family' situation?" I roll my eyes at the reminder. "Ugh, don't remind me! Apparently my dad's wife is moving in today with her damn son. And then on Monday he's going to attend our school! I swear if he's a pain I'll just beat his ass till he gets the point to leave me alone." I say with a full crazy smile.

Jimin looks at Hoseok and Hoseok looks at me full of concern, "Uhh Kookie I don't think that's the best idea... You don't have to resort to violence for everything..." I shrugged not caring and check my phone to find a message from my dad.

Dad: I'm here in the parking lot Jungkook, head over here.

I smile at my dad's text since we're really close.

Jungkook: Okay dad I'm on my way.

I say my goodbyes and head to my dad's car.

In the car...

Me and my dad are in his car and he starts discussing things with me. "Jungkook, you are more important to me than Lena and her son Taehyung. I know this is going to be uncomfortable and all but please just-" I cut him off "Don't worry dad. I'm happy for you."

He smiled and ruffled my hair, "Thank you." I just smiled and waited to get home.

Of course I'm happy for my dad. He's been there for me ever since mom left when I was thirteen. We're so close and I feel like he's all that I need.

He's the only person that knows that I'm gay and when I told him he accepted it with open arms and a smile. I'm happy that my dad is finally going to be happy again. Although, that doesn't mean I can't raise hell for this kid that's going to be living at my house.

An evil smirk spreads upon my face and I silently wait to get home and meet the kid.

Just wait, kid... You're going to see a side of me that nobody has ever seen before.


Before me and my dad got out of the car his phone buzzed. He read a message and looked over at me, "Oh, dammit this is going to be a little weird Kook. I need to go help Lena with her suitcases but Taehyung is apparently already home so, is it okay if you guys stay home while I go help out his mom with their stuff?" I mentally smirked ready to cause the boy pain but nodded assuringly to my dad.

He sighed relieved and ruffled my hair. I grabbed my backpack and closed the door behind me. "Thanks Kook." I just smiled and waved as he drove off.

I got my keys out of my pocket and began opening the door. Once I got inside the house I didn't hear a single sound and there was no indication that anyone was home. I set my backpack down on the couch and began to search for the little shit.

I started at the kitchen but nobody was there. I looked in the bathrooms but there was nobody. I walked upstairs into my room but it was empty. But as I was passing through the hallway the balcony door was opened a little.

I opened the sliding door a little and saw the boy.

My mouth dropped and my heart began racing. He's so pretty. He had a pretty feminine shape and blond hair that shimmered almost. He was wearing a fancy robe and I was disappointed that the robe covered him up well. But... he stares out into the view like he's so sad. Like he's miserable.

A second ago I wanted to beat this kid up. But now I just want to protect the kid. He looks so lonely and sad.

He continued looking out at the view and I continued to stare at his beautiful features

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He continued looking out at the view and I continued to stare at his beautiful features. Then out of nowhere he turns around and notices me staring, "W-Who are you?"

I was startled by the question and stuttered, "O-Oh uhh... we have a pretty nice view up here huh?"

He looked off into the sunset and nodded.

He turned facing me and carefully stepped off of the balcony edge and onto the ground. He looked up at me but didn't seem interested in me one bit. Everyone is so drawn to me. Why isn't he?

I stuck out my hand and looked him in the eyes trying to seem confident even though I was mentally crushing on the kid, "Hey, I'm Jungkook. You must be Taehyung." He looked at my hand for a moment and then grabbed it lightly. His hands are so soooooooft!

"Yeah, I'm Taehyung." He walked past me and headed inside of the house. I followed him instantly not wanting him to go away.

He walked into the room that me and my dad cleared out for him. "Oh yeah this is your room huh?" He walked into the room and looked at me shyly, "Yup." And with that he slowly shut the door in my face like nothing.

Why is it that the one person I find that I actually like, seems like he doesn't want me back.

to be continued...

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