Homecoming Nightmare☽14☾

Start from the beginning

The hybrid sighed. "Fine. How about Rebekah?" Klaus asked.

"That's not a problem. She is right here."

Stefan handed over the phone to Rebekah who took it easily.

"Hello Nik." She greeted with a pleased tone.

"Rebekah, love." The hybrid started. "What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with the dagger?"

"It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good." Rebekah lied. "I miss you. I'm miserable here."

"I'll be home soon." He promised.

"Good. I'll see you then, brother." She hung up the phone and turned to the others. "He bought it. He's coming home."

"Now- was that easy or what?" Damon asked the group with a large smirk.

"Let's just get this over with." Elena sighed.


"What happened?" Isabel asked seeing the fire brigade and the water flooding the place they were meant to have the homecoming at.

"The gym is flooded," Tyler told her.

"Oh, come.!.On!" Isabel groaned. "We worked so hard on it."

"Sorry, Iz."

"Well what the hell are we supposed to do now?"

After staring at the place in disbelief for a little bit and talking to Caroline with Tyler over the phone, Isabel called Elena and filled her in. "So, does that mean I don't have to go?" Was her first question.

"You wish!" The werewolf exclaimed.
"No, Tyler is moving the party to his house."

"Kegs and beer pong for Homecoming?" The doppelgänger asked, amused. "That's...different..."

"Just...please say you're still coming?" The wolf asked. "Pweety pwease?" She pouted with a small smile.

Elena laughed, remembering all the times the two got in trouble because Isabel had asked her to do something and she added the childish pretty please which always caused the brunette to cave in. "I'll see you there."


There's a rock band playing in the garden of the mansion while everyone from the school danced and enjoyed the night.

Caroline and Isabel enter the house with Bonnie, the two blondes in shock of the big party that was supposedly set up in short notice.

"How did he plan a better party than me so fast?" Caroline asked. "What? Is that a band outside?"

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie asked not knowing who most of them are.

"This is weird. And not the good weird. Where is Tyler?" Isabel asked scanning the crowd but she can't see over anyone but she does see Klaus walk on the stage while the crowd cheered.

"Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!"

"So much for Homecoming..." Katherine trailed off as she and Matt show up.

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