Chapter Sixty-Three

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Most of the pirates that were running front row had dropped down, some that were hit by arrows lurched forward, stumbled forward and kept charging. Those that dropped down and never came back up were seen their heads snapped back before impacting to the ground. Those still standing, those that never got hit, and those in the back charged, raised their weapons over their heads, pointed forward and towards the Lost Children.

Mara felt her heart racing quickly, quicker than she runs. She watched a couple of more pirates dropping to the ground as every arrow that the Lost Boys and the Natives released. The Natives were almost quick to fly their arrows than the pirates running charging. Almost slowing them down. She positioned her feet in a fighting stance and both hands on the hilt of her sword.

She had James by her side, the two exchanged glances, both shared the same look of fear and bravery. To combine both fear and bravery was a strange thing, those two things were like the ice and fire, the sun and moon, the love and hate. To fear of something of whatever is going to happen in any moment, fear of death, fear of losing, but to Mara, the worst thing she fears was losing James, losing Peter and losing his friends to this battle. But she must be brave, she has to be brave, there was no turning back now.

Lady and Shadow were loose, they charge forward so quick like lightning crashes to the earth. The animals' cries were heard as they caught their prey and two men screaming. Mara didn't see as she was too focused on the enemy in front of her.

The Lost Boys and the Natives shouted, let out war cries as the two sides collided to each other. Chaos began.

It was happening so fast, Mara didn't know who to focus on, the first pirate she spotted charged her way with his sword raised and she prepared to clash her sword with his. The man was large than her, maybe a foot tall and more weight. But slow and sloppy. Their two swords clashed each other, all Mara did was shield herself with her sword, clashing and clashing, but the fight against him didn't last long, an arrow plunged into the man chest before falling to the ground. Mara didn't have time to see who's arrow it was, another pirate charged at her.

Everyone were fighting, some Lost Boys and Natives fought two pirates at once, the pirates dropped quicker than the Natives and the Lost Boys. Only one Lost Boy had fallen and one Native as both of them were outnumbered. Peter Pan was nowhere to be seen, neither Blackbeard, the Lost Boy was searching for his brother. James was fighting the forth pirate after defeating the first three with barely a struggle. Curly took down three as well, Slightly shot down six with his arrows before finally duelling with an enemy using his bow and arrow as his weapon to fight him off. Felix took down his second victim, Nibs down with his forth, Thomas also with a forth pirate. Tiger Lily and her two brothers fighting side by side. The pirates were falling quicker than the Lost Boys and the Natives.

Mara was fighting the third pirate after the second pirate she fought was brought down by Killian, saving her. The two of them fought side by side, Mara lunging her sword at any pirate that charged before Killian made the final blow.

"I suppose the lessons I gave you helped you very well" Killian recalled the days when he taught her how to fight with a sword before Neverland. "I taught you well, didn't I?"

Mara panted, still in a fighting position, back to back against Killian's. "Sort of" She corrected, "you weren't the only one who taught me—" She abruptly halted before clashing her sword against another pirate's sword then Killian plunged his weapon into the pirate's gut while his sword was still on Mara's.

"Anyway, how are you?" Killian asked.

Mara was so surprised how Killian can still be himself in a situation like this. "Are you serious, right now?!" She twisted around at him then spotted another pirate charging behind Killian, sword raised. She shielded him by her sword meeting the pirate's sword before Killian shoved him back with his foot.

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