Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Mara eventually fell asleep later that night then found herself on her hammock in the morning. The tent was empty, her tentmates were up and already outside. Mara remembered she was sitting against a log then fell asleep later and Pan must've carried her to her tent. It must be late morning and almost noon.

She got up very lazily and slow. She put on her boots, she was still tired that she could barely keep eyes open. She was still sitting on her hammock after putting on her boots, leaning forward with her elbows on her lap and rubbed her eyes with both hands. She walked up to the table where a bowl of cold water was and splashed her face with water. It helped to wake her up more.

When Mara stepped out of the tent, half of the boys weren't in the camp, James was one of them and Slightly and Curly. Even Pan wasn't in the camp. There was Tootles sitting nearby, peeling an apple with his knife and she went to join him.

"Ah, Mara, you're awake finally" Tootles smiled, "You really need to fix your sleeping pattern"

"Where's James and Curly?" She sat down beside him, "and Slightly?"

"Some of them went to take a dip at the falls, James and Curly and Slightly too"

"What of Pan?" She wondered as she gazed around for Pan.

"Who knows?" Tootles shrugged, "He could be anywhere on the island"

"Not doing anything today?" She was glancing around, seeing some of the boys sitting around, there's Thomas, the Twins and Nibs.

"It's free day today" Tootles said happily, "We can just do whatever we want, go wander off, go for a stroll, piss off the mermaids, go fishing, go to sleep, whatever you like"

"This is probably going to be the best day ever" she smiled. She wondered what she could do today. She'd like to go for a swim but it was occupied at the moment, perhaps train with James? If he's willing to. Yesterday wasn't his day, maybe he had got over that today and maybe he's planning to train her today. She'd like that.

If not, she may as well spend the day with Tootles, or Curly, or Slightly. Or with Peter Pan.

As an hour passed, Mara was examining the tiny vile of pixie dust necklace she was wearing, given by Pan last night. She must believe in order for the dust to work, she does believe in magic, she had seen it many times in her life and even before Neverland. How wasn't that enough for it to work?

She pulled the vile over the collar of her tunic and Curly and Slightly were back from the falls. Curly let out a cheerful sigh, "Now that was a great long swim"

Tootles came back from grabbing lunch for him and Mara, and he handed her the plate of cooked fish with two fruits on the side. She wondered if James was still at the falls so she asked, "James still there?" She looked to her right where Curly and Slightly were seated.

Slightly sat and leaned back against the tree trunk, he shook his head in response while Curly said "Nah, he said he's gone for a little stroll"

"Any idea where he might've gone to?"

Curly shrugged, "He's got soft spot for that meadow place nearby though, can't promise you'd find him there but it's where we find him sometimes"

Mara did plan on finding James and talk to him. She kind of missed him. She missed how they talk usually.

After she had lunch, she left the camp and head to the meadow alone. Hoped that she would find him there. Maybe she should tell him about that kiss she saw and make a laugh out of the boy and both make jokes about it. Maybe ask him what's on his mind, what makes him sad, what makes him to have a bad day, she'd open up to him as well and tell him what makes her sad and what makes her to have a bad day.

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐀,   peter panWhere stories live. Discover now