Chapter Forty-Seven

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Today felt different for Mara, like it was a brand new day, today felt new and strange but all so right. Despite the gloomy weather, it was going to rain today but for her, it was different. She wasn't sure if she should be happy or worried.

Happy for what happened last night, yet she wasn't sure she should be. And also worried for it, what was she worried about anyway? About Pan? Because he was far different than any boy she had met, he seemed to be this kind of boy who shouldn't be interested in her. Yet, that happened last night. Then there's James, she was worried about him more because he's in love with her. She'll hurt him, she knew that or she already hurt him when she told him she didn't love him like the way he does.

James loves her, and she loves him in her own way. About Pan, she wasn't sure at all. She remembered what James said that night, You love him instead. Him, did James meant Pan? She couldn't think of anyone else. She was certain it wasn't Curly, Tootles or Slightly. She loved those three boys like they were brothers to her. But then there's Pan, does she love him? Is that why she kissed him? Maybe that's what the tingling in her heart is for.

"Did you ever sleep?" Tootles yawned, he was sitting beside her.

No, she never slept last night, she was awake all night and she was unable to sleep at all. After what happened, Pan took her back here without a saying a word, the moment she tried to look at him, he was gone.

"Just a bit" she lied.

"Heard you coming in" the clumsy boy said in a low voice, "I even heard you leaving with Pan. Where did you two go anyway?"

"You're a bit nosy sometimes, Tootles" Mara replied.

"Well I'm just a bit curious" He shrugged, "You and Pan being close friends, I never seen him quite attached with anyone, least in the past thirty years— its how long I've been here by the way"

"We're just good friends" that felt near as difficult to say for some reason, "just like you, Curly and Slightly" she smiled a little.

"And like with James?" Tootles looked at her, he flashed a half smirk and hinting he was teasing.

Like with James, James loves her, but she does not. Like with James, as in like when they were friends? Like with James, as in romantic way? Mara assumed Tootles knows about James, does Tootles really know about James's feelings?

"Have you talked to him?" She asked, ignoring Tootles's question.

"Yesterday" he nodded, "He's been quite off lately. Honestly, it's sad to see him like that"

Still they spoke in low voices while the boys on the cave were chatting and all ignoring her and Tootles. Maybe if they knew what they were talking about, they'd be curious and listen.

"Then I presume you know that he's—" she stopped when she spotted Pan entering the cave with the rest of the boys following him. Just within' seconds, she found James walking in with Slightly.

Her heart tingled by the moment Pan walked in, she turned her head and looked at Tootles. "I presume that he what—?"

She shook her head, "Nothing" she whispered.

They both stayed on their seats as they watched the rest of the boys making their way in and find a spot to sit and stand before waiting for Pan to speak.

As Mara was sitting on the spot she slept and her back against the wall with her legs crossed. One of her knees shook, the nervousness and also a bit of stress were both striking her and made her knee shake. She glanced around but at Pan and James, as much as she wanted to, she still couldn't take a look at either of them. The nervousness was from Pan and the stress was from James.

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