Chapter Sixty-Two

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The moon was full and bright tonight, but will be soon shaded by clouds. The creatures of the night made no sounds, as if they knew that the danger was amongst them and they're gone to their shelter and wait for the storm to pass. Only there will be no storm but a war.

The whole island was afraid. Mara could see it from lower ground. Native elderly and children gone to hiding, the birds and the insects of such had went hiding as well as if their homes of trees, bushes and dirt can keep them all safe. It is said that the war like this have never happened before, not once. Here they are, pirates have come to fight and wipe out every Lost Boy and Indigenous person. But all these brave boys, men and women are willing to keep Neverland safe and whole again.

The pirates have armed themselves and have made their way to the shores of Neverland through row boats. The Lost Boys have prepared themselves; sharpened their wooden spears and arrows, grabbed an extra weapon like daggers, knives and tomahawks.

The Lost Boys were actually anxious, they've been ready for a long time for this but they were scared. They've fought enemies before, they get scared before the fight begins.

As for Mara Turner, this is her first war, where she will be fighting against a wicked man and his men. Like her father who went to war and died in a war. Wouldn't it be poetic if she died tonight fighting like her father? Does she thinks she will die this night? Maybe, maybe not. She was scared, not of dying, but afraid of losing. Losing would mean she had failed, as she's supposedly save Peter Pan but it is still a mystery on how she will save him. She was afraid of failing him, like how she failed Tootles.

The Lost Boys were silent like the diurnal creatures that sleeps through the night. The silence hints the fear. The pirates don't have that, they don't fear, they think they will win tonight because it's the children they're fighting against. Most of the pirates know nothing about the Lost Boys or what they're capable of. That's the advantage that the Lost Boys have, the pirates' expectations will be false.

"Anyone would like to say something?" Nibs uttered. "Or should any of us say something?"

No one replied momentarily. "If you do, spill it out then" this was from Thomas.

Nibs stared blankly at the Lost Boys as The fainted sounds of men shouting began coming from the Cannibal Cove, it was obvious that Nibs' mind was blank and had no words at all. He shrugged then said, "Well, I think words have already been said... So, let's give those bastards a fight, who's ready?" He stomped his wooden spear on the ground.

No one made a movement for a moment, Curly who looked intense like never before had got up and grabbed his weapons. "We'll make Blackbeard pay for he did to the boys" Mara had never seen the boy so angry, it got her worried for him, sometimes vengeance is not a good thing to fight for, to be vengeful will make a person do foolish things and foolish things will draw the person to the unfortunate. Mara wasn't as vengeful as Curly, she may be partially vengeful but she was also fighting for the boys, to save them, to save Neverland and Peter Pan.

She knew she had no chance against Blackbeard, neither Curly has a chance. How can they defeat the man who has lived longer than anyone besides Peter Pan, Tiger Lily and the Natives? Peter will likely to hesitate towards Blackbeard, maybe there's a part of Peter that still sees Blackbeard as Bishop. That worries Mara.

"We have to wait for the Natives to come" Rufio reminded.

"The Pirates are not waiting!" Nibs uttered, "They're coming right now and we can't just sit here and wait for them to show up here! Come on!"

Nibs was right, Blackbeard could be starting the fire at the moment, the fire that will scorch the land, so they must go now and stop him from spreading the fire. So Mara got up, "He's right" she blurted and everyone's gaze were on her. Blackbeard's words haunted her, what his true plans are. "Blackbeard's not here to conquer Neverland . . . He's here to burn it. While at it, he intends to wipe us out first . . . We can't delay any longer. I know you're scared, I'm scared too, but that's okay because . . . being brave is nothing without fear. We're scared, and now we have to be brave. But remember what Pan said, as long as we believe, then we have hope"

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