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"Percy, it's good to see you my daughter." Dad smiled and walked over to hug me. I could practically feel him glare as he growled. "Kaldur'ahm."

"Dad." I warned. "He's my husband. Your son-in-law."

He laughed before releasing me. "I know. But...he did storm out on you and didn't come back for three months."

I rolled my eyes. "He was on a mission."

"Sure, now what brings you here?"

I glanced at Kaldur, who was looking away from me. What else was I expecting though? I sighed and looked back at Dad.

"Can I tell you something? And do you promise not to freak out?" I fought the smile tugging at my lips.

He grabbed my hands and stared me in the eye. "Is he hurting you?" He whispered. "If he is I will-"

I moved his hands so they were resting on my stomach. His eyebrows knitted together as confusion washed over his features.

"I'm pregnant." I said, smile breaking onto my face.

His eyes lit up and a grin spread across his face as well. "I'm going to be a grandfather!"

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, holding me close to his chest.

"Technically you-"

"Shush princess. This is different. Are you going to stay at home or at camp? Or do you want to stay here because I can easily set up a room for the two of you."

"I'll be fine at home."

"Okay. But if you get attacked or feel like you need extra protection, I want you to come straight here. I don't want my princess getting hurt and I don'tt want my grandchild getting hurt either." Dad released me only to rest his hand on my stomach again.

He looked over at Kaldur. "If you do anything to hurt either of them...I will end you."

"I would never think of hurting Percy and I cannot be more overjoyed to know she is carrying our child." He rested a hand on my shoulder, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Do you want to tell Triton yourself or..."

"We need to go tell some other people. Please don't let him come after me?"

"No promises Princess...um...Don't vaportravel while you're pregnant. I'm not sure how it would affect the baby. I'm guessing the Cave?"

I nodded and he tapped my shoulder, sending us on our way.

"Percy!" Megan flew over. "It seems like it's been forever!"

I looked around the main room and seeing that most of my friends and conveniently enough Orin, Bruce and Diana, I decided I'd tell them all at once.

"So are you rejoining the Team?" Wally asked, wrapping his arm around Artemis. "We're back in so it would just be like old times."

"I would actually like to request a break from my duties as Aqualad. I trust you can handle the Team?"

"What brought this on Kaldur?" Orin asked, walking over. "You have never wanted to take a step back before."

"What about you Percy? Are you going to try to distance yourself like Artemis and Kid Flash did for a little while?" Diana questioned.

I looked up at Kaldur, essentially telling him to tell them.

"We both wish to take a step back to focus on our family. Our growing family." He wrapped an arm around my waist so his hand could rest on my stomach.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now