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Bruce looked at Dick.

"Uh...Yeah...about that whole not inviting him over thing..." My cousin rubbed the back of his head.

"Who's ready to-Who's the chick?" A boy with bright red hair and a bunch of freckles stared at me.

"I'm Percy." I gave him a small smile.

"She's my niece." Bruce spoke.

Wally ignored him and instead stared at me.

I waved a hand in front of his face.

"Are you angel? Cause I think you just flew from heaven." He sighed dreamily.

Oh no. Not another one.

"I wouldn't know about flying from heaven. But I did catch a ride out of hell." I internally winced.

Okay. Don't mention that place from now on.

Dick's friend had a frankly freaked out look while my cousin was laughing his butt off.

"That was so awesome!"

"Dude! Not cool!"

Alfred chuckled. "I guess I will have to make a feast then?"

"Go ahead Alfred. We'll need it." Bruce sighed.

"I'll help." I stood up and walked over to the stove.

"I would let Alfred handle it. Wally...he has a rather unhealthy appetite." Dick put his hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want to try having my metabolism? I ate an entire pizza before I got here!"

"Was it blue?" I asked, trying to diffuse the argument.

"What'd you mean beautiful?" Wally asked with a dreamy look on his face.

I sighed.

Then I grabbed his arm and flipped him, placing a foot on his chest.

"Unless you want to end up at the bottom of the ocean I suggest you stop hitting on me." I growled.

His green eyes widened.

I felt hands pull me back. "Okay. Please do not kill him. No matter how annoying he is he's still my friend."

"Fine but he better stop hitting on me."

"What's her problem?" I heard Wally mumble to Dick.

"Her mother and step-father were murdered." Bruce answered.

Wally looked shocked. "I- Um- I'm sorry."

I scoffed. "Cause that helps so much."

"Percy, don't be rude." Bruce scolded.

I glared at him. "It's the truth. They're dead. And no amount of sorrys is going to change that."

"Master Bruce I remember you refusing to leave your room after your parents' deaths." Alfred placed a plate piled high with food on the table.

I picked up my grilled cheese and started to take a bite.

But right before I did I ripped off a piece and walked over to the fire.

"What are you doing?" Dick asked.

I threw it in the fire. "To Poseidon." I whispered.

"No!!! The inhumanity!!"

I chuckled and quickly ate the rest of my sandwich.

"Why'd you do that?" Bruce questioned.

Well with his tone it seemed more like an interrogation.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now