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"What?" My king stared at the former Robin.

Dick chuckled. "Yeah, no...I just don't want you trying to hurt him right now."

I looked down at Percy, frowning when I noticed how her features had twisted in pain.

"I am not going to. Percy would kill me."

I sighed...if she would not, would he hurt me while I'm watching over someone injured?

"Dude, you okay?" Wally patted my shoulder.


Percy groaned softly interrupting me, her eyes cracking open. "Kaldur?"

"Right here starfish."

She smiled softly and lifted a hand to rest on my face.

Despite the relative peace on her face, her eyes weren't masking her pain at all.

"Can we go out to the living room?" She mumbled.

I bit my lip and nodded, unhooking  her from the vitals monitor.

"Kaldur that may not be the best action." My king spoke.

"The Team trusts her and I am not going to do anything that could harm her. Plus she will do this herself if I don't." I slipped my arms under Percy, careful not to hit her wounds.

As I held her close to my chest, she placed a hand on my shoulder shifting herself in my grip.

I carried her out of the infirmary and placed her on the couch. Then I sat next to her.

"You're comfortable..." She mumbled, leaning against me.

A smile appeared on my lips and I pulled her into a kiss. When I released her, I shifted so I was partially laying.

"I'm glad you are okay." I gently moved her onto my chest, making sure she wasn't laying on her injury before leaning fully back.

Her hands weakly grabbed my shirt and she was barely able to move herself so she was more comfortable.

"Do not overexert yourself." I tried my best to shift her how she seemed to want. "Save your energy so you can heal."

"Okay." Her voice was much worse than it was a minute before.

"Are you okay?" My brow knit in concern. The puncture did not look bad when I changed her bandages.

And Diana said nothing vital was injured.

"Yeah, my face is kinda pressed against your chest."

I relaxed as she said that. I ran my fingers through her hair, moving it so it was hanging off her back.

Then I sighed, my eyes unable to move from the bandages wrapped completely around her chest.

"This is why I don't like you coming with me."

"Kaldur, this is normal for demigods. And this wasn't from being with you or being against the Team or anything. This was from me being a demigod." She poked me.

"You are in more danger than you would be if you were staying at Camp Half-Blood."

"Kaldur...I don't like being contained, do you think I would rather stay there than be with you or be Bluejay?" She sighed.

I was silent as I ran that through my mind.

"Exactly. It's-"

"I'd rather have you be safe starfish." I interrupted her. "If it came down to you being safe or you being with me, I would choose you to be safe."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now