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"Here we are. The guest room is right down that hall. I might have some old clothes that might fit you." Diana peered at me, probably trying to guess if her clothes would fit me.

And I'm just going to say men have it easier with pants. Like they have stuff that's like length or whatever.

But no. We girls have to have an arbitrary number, Annabeth is proud of that word, that really means nothing.

Cause a two in one brand could be a five in another.

And yes. That's happened to me before. It sucks. And then I'm not exactly tall so either the pants are too long or they're too tight and...

Yeah. Ignore that. It's just one of the reasons I either wear guy shorts or sweats most of the time. But hey, the guy shorts usually have pockets so added bonus.

Wait. What was I talking about?

"Thank you. But...why did you have me come here? Couldn't that risk your secret identity?"

She rolled her eyes and took off her baseball hat. "I don't wear a hat or anything that could really ever prevent people from discovering my identity. How they haven't is a miracle."

"Like how no one has discovered Superman's?"

"Exactly." She sighed. "Besides, the rest of the Team has people to help them through this. You don't."

"Yet here you are." I sat on the ground, wings splayed on either side of me.

Diana smiled and sat in front of me. "I've always wanted a protégée. I would have asked my sister but..." She chuckled. "She would have killed Wally the moment he looked at her."

And the fact she's-

Well, Artemis likes Diana so she'd probably be fine with letting Thalia do it as long as she kept her oath.

And... I'm just ignoring the fact Diana is the Roman version of Artemis.

"Now, how did you really know Zoë's name?"

"I told you, it just sounded right."

"Connor said you knew it the moment you saw her. So try again. And I mean I could always use my lasso."

I sighed and looked down. "I was asked to join the Hunt. That's when I met her. Later, I met Thalia when she became Lieutenant and I was asked again. She kinda offhandedly mentioned you, which is how I know who you are."

"Oh yeah...forgot about that." She chuckled. "Well, goodnight Jay. You better get some sleep cause I have no idea what's going on tomorrow."

She stood before helping me up.

I nodded my thanks before making my way to the guest room.

"Oh and here. These are some old pajamas of mine, I cut out slits for your wings."

I blinked. That was fast.


After that I changed into the clothes and sprawled out on the bed, not bothering to turn the light off.

Not even a minute later and I was out.


I was making myself a little midnight snack...okay okay it's a ham sandwich calm down.

I'm not like Spencer.

But anyway I was just making myself a sandwich when I heard a scream.

The only person here...Bluejay!

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant