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"Are you sure you wish to come with us? It may get dangerous starfish." Kaldur rested his hand on my face.

I grinned. "You know danger is my middle name."

"I was under the impression that it was Psyche."

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "I just like knowing I can help if something goes wrong."

"And I like knowing that you are safe. Besides nothing is going to go wrong. It's just a routine patrol."

"That both you and your dad have to go on?" I raised an eyebrow.

Kaldur sighed. "He's worried about me. He wants to make sure I am fine before he lets me do anything on my own."

I took his hands and stared up at him. "I'm going with you."

His eyes seemed to dim and he gently squeezed my hands. "Promise to stay safe?" He managed a small half-hearted smile.

I nodded and he released my hands grabbing his helmet.

We walked to the air lock where his dad was waiting with arms crossed.

"Are you ready?"

"Yep." I grinned.

"You are coming with us?" He questioned. "You realize we will have to swim to shore and you do not have an air supply."

"I don't need one."

"Okay..." He pressed a button and water started flooding in.

It was quickly over my head and I took a deep breath.

Kaldur put on his helmet and looked at me. "Let's go."

The door opened allowing us to swim out into open water.

We swam in complete silence eventually emerging on a secluded beach.

"What are we even looking for?" I looked up at the sky, stars shining brightly. Though Artemis's chariot is outshining them all, casting the beach in a pale glow.

"Any opposition at all."

I wrapped a hand around Kaldur's arm as we walked, with him scanning the area.

"I do not see anything Father."

"Excellent. I think we can afford to unload some ballast-" He suddenly cut off.

"Percy, get behind me." Kaldur turned around,  water bearers drawn.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the Team.

Well...Cassie, Jaime, Garfield, Connor, and Dick.

"Do you seriously not think I can take care of myself?"

"Percy...can we talk later because-" He sighed.

He dodged to the side as Connor lunged at him.

"I would rather not do this in front of the heroes."

I nodded and let him fight with our former teammates.

Well technically I'm still part of the Team and Kaldur...

Anyway, Manta is doing pretty well against the other two, dodging punch after punch from my cousins.

And Garfield and Jaime are just staring at me.

"So...are we supposed to fight her or them?"

"No idea." Jaime replied.

"I'm here because I'm stubborn." A smile stretched across my features.

"So them." Garfield shifted into a tiger and lunged at Kaldur.

"Kaldur watch out for big cats!" I yelled, a heavy sense of dread settling in my gut.

Five against two...

I tapped my fingers against my leg, glancing around.

"Percy! Behind you!" Kaldur shouted, before being launched backwards.

I whipped around, barely avoiding a large stinger.

"Sea Spawn."

Oh...great. Him.

"Hey, Dr Thorn howya doing?" I pulled Riptide out of my pocket.

"Clearly you haven't learned anything since your last lesson. How fortunate that I brought tutors you brat."

Several large pit scorpions emerged from the trees, eyes glinting in the light from the fighting behind me.

"Wonder Girl!" I could hear Dick yell. "Help her!"

Cassie flew over and tried to lasso a scorpion, but its buddies easily freed it.

"What are these things?!" She yelled, tumbling backwards.

"Pit scorpions and a manticore. He really doesn't like me."

"You couldn't beat me with the others, what makes you believe you two alone can kill me?!"

"We don't want to kill you!" Cassie yelled.

"You've clearly never had to deal with this before." I sliced through a scorpion, turning to parry Thorn's strike with my sword as it dissolved into golden dust.

"Why is killing them the only answer?" She questioned.

I looked over at her to respond, eyes widening as the scorpions tail raised up.

"Watch out!" I vapor traveled behind it, chopping off its stinger. "Pay more attention, they don't-"

I couldn't finish, the sharp pain in my back telling me I should have followed my own advice.

"Percy!" A blade of water went flying by me, then the stinger holding me up was gone and I collapsed to the ground.


I rushed to my fiancee, immediately checking her pulse.

"I...I'm... fine." She managed. I stared at her for a second, tears coming to my eyes.

Then I rolled her over and used a water bearer to pull water from the ocean. Pressing it against her wound I could only watch as it...didn't heal.

Her body shook harshly. "Kaldur...I...I love..." She somehow rolled over and rested her fingertips on my face. "I love you."

Her hand fell back to her chest, my tears simultaneously dropping on her face.

"Come on starfish...please please don't...do not do this please." I sniffed, pulling her close to me.

Sand crunched as my friends and father walked towards me.

"Please, please Percy. Wake up. I don't want to lose you. Not after everything. Please...I love you just please wake up starfish...for the love of the gods please. Wake up"

But she didn't.


I......I'm gonna run....

Unrelated note: it's super bright outside super wolf moon with a bunch of snow apparently meand I can see in the woods across the road from my house at 8 PM

Like it looks like a spot light is shining, wish my camera could register this

Anyway....I'll try to get more updates done over these next two days (four day weekend woo!)

But homework like reading and annotating 60 (technically like 80 for annotating cause i... hate that)
And chemistry


See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now