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I groaned laying on the couch in the Cave.

"Bored?" Dick questioned looking over at me.

"Yeah...want to go do something?"

"Sure. I'll get Wally."

I sighed, not really wanting the speedster to come along but...what am I going to do about it?

Nothing. Cause refusing those two is impossible.

"You called Bird Boy?" Wally rushed over, resting a shoulder on Dick's shoulder.

"You wanna go do something with Jay?"

"Sure just let me get ready."

Then there was a blur and he was back, in a different set of clothes...and a picnic basket.

I am not surprised whatsoever.

"Come on, I have a cool idea of where to go." Dick ran to the Zeta Tube and after searching for something he selected a Zeta Tube.

So I'm just gonna skip ahead and...

"The circus?" Wally questioned.

"The circus." Dick nodded. "And uh...Jay? You'll... probably find this out sooner or later so...my name is Dick Grayson."

"Cool. I already knew that but...cool."

"How'd you know that?"

"Same way I got the suit. I broke into the Cave." I mumbled, glaring at the speedster. Why does he do this?

Why does he make it seem like I'm a bad guy?

You break into one superhero lair and suddenly you're the worst thing since ninety nine cent stores.

"No arguing, come on!" Dick grabbed our arms and practically pulled us towards the gate...

Where we were stopped.

"No outside food or drinks, and no picnic baskets." A ticket dude said.

Dick frowned. "People have always been allowed to bring their own stuff."

"Yeah not with me around so hand it over."

"No. Sounds to me like that isn't circus policy. So why should we-"

"What is going on here?"

"Nothing sir just-"

"Trying to tell us we can't bring in our own food." Dick cut the guy off.

"Dick, it's nice to see you again my little robin."

"Haley too tight!" Dick cried, struggling to free himself from the tight hug he was pulled into.

Haley laughed before releasing him. "Are these friends of yours?"

"Yeah, this is Wally and that's Jay."

"Well then, come on. No charge at all, maybe you could make a guest appearance?"

Dick smiled. "Maybe..."


"Sylvia, what's wrong?" He looked at the woman who ran up to him.

"One of the horses...she hurt her leg and I'm pretty sure she gonna have to be..."

Haley sighed. "Lead the way. Um. Enjoy the-"

"I might...be able to help...with the horse I mean." I spoke up.

"Dude, horses can't stand on three legs...and it will just suffer." Wally said.

I nodded. "I know. I take care of horses and I'm pretty good with them. At least let me try."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now