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"Are you sure we cannot tell my father first?" Kaldur wrung his hands together.

"I'd rather deal with this first." I sighed, pulling him up to the front door.

I knocked on the door and within moments it opened.

"Miss Percy it is-" Alfred stopped midsentence, reaching to the side... probably for a gun.

"It's nice to see you too Alfred. And don't mind him. He's going to behave, aren't you?" I glared at Kaldur.

Looking away, he mumbled. "Yes starfish."

"See? Nothing to worry about. Is Bruce here?"

The butler nodded. "He just returned, please come in."

I walked in, aware of the wary looks Alfred was still casting Kaldur.

"I will go inform them of your arrival. I trust you remember the way to the living room?"


I wish I could say that was all the trouble we had but...

"Kaldur!" My cousins shifted into a fighting stance while Bruce just pulled a gun out from seemingly nowhere.

I rolled my eyes. "Chill out okay? I made him come here."

"Why?" Dick raised an eyebrow. "Oh and his name is Tim." He gestured at the younger boy.

Nodding in thanks, I looked at Kaldur.

"You tell him. He's not going to hurt you." He mumbled.

"I kinda want to see his reaction if you tell him."


Chuckling I leaned against him. "I uh guess we have something to tell you."

Dick covered Bruce's ears. "Please tell me you aren't pregnant. Bruce would actually murder him."

"No. And why do I feel like everyone is going to go for that question first?"

Sighing he dropped his hands. "Go on."

"We're engaged."

Bruce's eyes widened and looked between the two of us. "Percy, you're aware of what he's done right?"

"Yes, and you remember the fact you were going to kill Nico right?"

"Wait what? Who's Nico?" Tim questioned.

"Son of Hades. But the two of us have stuck together this long... despite the countless errands and him apparently betraying you guys."

Dick grinned. "Congrats. Come here dude." He pulled Kaldur up into a hug.

Rolling my eyes I stood up and hugged Bruce. Mainly to get the gun away from him.

"If he hurts you..."

"You know he won't." I mumbled, taking the gun and sitting it on a stand.

Then I pulled away. "We should probably get going. We still have to go tell the Team, and Orin and Diana, and his dad...and I should probably go tell the camp..."

I walked over to Kaldur and grabbed his arm. "I'll be by later... probably. See you later."

Time skip brought to you by a tired author who really doesn't want to repeat this

"That wasn't too bad now was it?" I smiled finishing off my food.

Kaldur rolled his eyes. "You did not have to dodge their attacks."

I sat my fork down, getting up and sitting on his lap.

"I think you handled all this extremely well."

He hummed softly, continuing to eat his meal. "Did you get enough to eat?"

"I think I'll grab a snack later."

"Here." He put his fork infront of me, offering me some of his food.

I didn't even bother to protest as he fed me the rest of his food.

"Are we going to tell your dad or what? I know he's not here right now but...I don't want any fights at the wedding."

"Do not talk with your mouth full starfish."

"Seriously though, is it going to be both of us or just you? Cause I'm sure as Hades not telling him myself."

"And I don't expect you to." He stood, carrying me out.

"We're done eating. Clean up before my father arrives."

"Yes sir."

Once we entered his room Kaldur sat me down.

"I don't want..." He trailed off. "You were the one to keep them from hurting me. I want to keep people from hurting you..."

"Come on Kaldur, they didn't want me to get hurt either. Which is why they tried to hurt you. So you need to remember, I can protect you too."

"I know starfish I know. It just makes me feel better to know I can protect us both."

"Besides we haven't even told the Team yet... that's going to be a fun thing to do."

"Please do not remind me starfish." A smile tugged at his lips.

I chuckled and grabbed a change of clothes. But when I took off my shirt, Kaldur grabbed me and pretty much tossed me onto his bed.

He climbed on next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. Then he pressed a kiss to my head.

"Any reason for this or are you just being weird?"

"I want to cuddle with you." He mumbled.

"You know you could have just asked. And could have let me put on a shirt."

"I suppose I could have, but then I would have had to wait longer." He closed his eyes nuzzling me.

"Can you at least give me your shirt?" I pouted, despite him not being able to see me.

Sighing he sat up and pulled off his shirt handing it to me.

I quickly put it on before moving so I was laying over his lap.

"I'm not getting that shirt back am I?"

"Nope." I grinned.

The door opened and Kaldur's dad walked in.

He stopped, obviously off-put. But in his defense he recovered quickly.

"I need you to come with me Kaldur. We can discuss...this later."

Kaldur nodded and moved me off of him. "I will stay safe." He put a hand on the side of my face before putting on his suit and leaving.

"You'd better." I mumbled.



Yeah... remember that book I asked if you guys if you would read?

Well, about...twelve chapters I think are on Wattpad right now...

Cause I need to get a job so I can get stuff to publish it...

And my mom's like no. Not until after winter so...

Oh and by help me plan the wedding I mean...

You guys are mostly in charge of it cause you know what the extent of my planning skills is?

Oh schist where did I put that thing? *Runs around frantically looking for something I knew i needed for like a month*


See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now