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I shook my head. This is flipping amazing.

Like I would literally do a flip.

You know.

If I wasn't in the Bat Cave?

But anyway...that isn't even why I'm here.

You see...even though I didn't know about my uncle being Batman, I didn't even know about him for that long anyway, I had a plan.

And what is this plan?

It doesn't matter.

But anyway this makes that plan a whole lot easier to go through with.

Cause if I know one thing about the Caped Crusader it's that he's prepared for anything.



If the Flash and Batman were to fight, who would win?

Shaking my head I tried to focus. What was I doing again?



Anyway, so I don't get caught up in my very very very rash and uninformed plan, I'm going to look for something so I can execute said plan.

Make sense? No?

Doesn't matter.

"Where the Hades would he keep it?" I mumbled wandering through the cave.

And I was definitely making sure not to touch anything.

Who knows if Bruce has any sort of alarms on this stuff.

I don't want to risk my master plan.

Great. Now I sound evil. Why don't I just go join a band of villains?

"No. No. N-"

"Any word from the police?" Alfred's voice carried over to me.

"Not yet. It hasn't been that long. I'd investigate myself, but that would create a link between me and Batman."

Oh schist.

"Maybe you should offer her a position similar to what Master Richard holds."

"She's not trained Alfred. Dick had his acrobatic abilities which we built on. But Percy? Besides that one flip, she doesn't show any form of combat ability." I could give you a heart attack right now bud.

"And besides, her emotions seem to change on the dime. And she acts on them Alfred. We can't risk that."

If he only knew...

Of course I'm not going tell him.

"Why did you come down here then Master Bruce?"

"I don't want her to get any real evidence that I'm Batman. With time we should be able to dissuade her."

Nope. Not like a cave full of bat themed vehicles and bats and a set of Batman armor hidden underneath your manor is evidence or anything.

And that direct confession would not hold up in a court of law at all.

"Shall we head back up? You have a meeting in two hours."

I can practically hear Bruce sigh from here. "Sure. But I'll let Percy get settled in before dragging her with me. And Alfred?"

"Yes Master Bruce?"

"Look up that deliveryman. I can't find anything on Percy's father. But working from him we might be able to."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz