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I took a deep breath and looked at Kaldur.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course Your Highness." He smiled nodding his head politely.

"Then let's do this." I tried to pull down my skort so it would be a bit longer.

I mean it is a skort but still why does it have to be this short?

"Your Highness..."

"Shut up Kaldur." I playfully glared at him.

"Shall we proceed?"

I sighed before swimming forward.

We passed through the hallways undetected, which made Kaldur wary.

"What is it?"

"Normally we would have seen many people. Topo or Garth or Tula or Prince Orm. This way your Highness."

He turned down a hallway and I followed him. That was when we finally saw somebody.

"Kaldur'ahm!" Orin smiled at his protégé.

"King Orin." Kaldur saluted.

"Hello Orin."

"Uh... who's the hot chick?" I could hear Wally ask.

"She looks like Percy." Artemis commented.

Oh and this room isn't underwater. I'm guessing they did this so they could talk and you know breathe.

"Orin, go with what I say." I turned and looked at the Team...plus a red head I've never met.

"Red Arrow? Why are you here?" Kaldur questioned him before I could speak.

"Aquaman invited me."

"Hello, my name is Thesa."

"This is Princess Thesa. I answer to her father."

"Uh. Kaldur I know she's royalty and all, but can you ask her if she's an angel?"

"I can understand you. I just prefer privacy when I hold my conversations." I looked at him before brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

Wally turned bright red and looked away as Dick laughed.

"Your Highness, why are you here? Why did you bring her?"

"Do you think I would have stayed home knowing I could help?"


"Kaldur'ahm!" A voice came from behind me.

A dark skinned woman with blonde hair ran over and hugged Kaldur, before pulling away and grabbing his hands.

"You look so handsome in your uniform."

"Mother, please."

"I only speak the truth. And have you gotten taller?"

Kaldur shook his head before hugging his mother once again.

"Mother. Have you seen Tula and Garth? I would like to introduce her Highness to them."

His mother looked at me and dipped into a curtsey.

"Rise." I sighed.

"They are in the library. Garth insisted that they stay here, especially after Topo was attacked."

Kaldur's eyes went wide. "Is he okay?"

"He is fine my son. Now I must go find our queen. I was going to do her laundry."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now