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I closed my eyes and vapor traveled to Star City.

When I opened my eyes, well...there was a lot of ice.

And a boy and a girl who were creating the ice.

Welp. Guessing these are Icicle Jr and Killer Frost.

The boy cackled, before freezing a car.

I rolled my eyes and slid down a piece of ice so I was at street level. "You need to chill out dude."

The boy whipped around and fired some ice at me.

I ducked to the side. "Really? I thought you'd be cooler than that."

He smiled. "I like you. Hey Frost, take a look."

"Another sidekick? Honestly you have weird tastes Junior." Wait what?

Icicle Jr frowned. "Not like that. Her puns are ice."

I chuckled. "Good one. Now... I'm gonna pretend to fight you. You obviously have your reasons for doing this. So...deal?"

"I like her too. First kid to not want to beat us up for just doing what we're told." She shot at me.

I dodged and threw a few birdarangs at them.

Ice Jr blocked them with a sheet of ice.

"You gotta love the attention though dontcha Frost?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Boys."

"I know right?" I smirked and ran towards them, dodging their obviously toned down attacks.

"The Team's coming soon. We need to put on a good show." I mumbled as I put her into a chokehold, one loose enough for her to get out of.

I'm not going to hurt them when I don't know why they're doing this.

Especially when they're not much older than me.

And not causing that much harm.

Like come on. I've blown up a volcano. As long as they don't cause something like that I'm fine with them.

Frost pushed me away before trying to freeze me, I rolled out of the way.

A few more birdarangs...

A few explosions around her feet, not enough to hurt her, but enough to throw her off balance.

There was a yellow blur, Wally.

I looked at Icicle Jr. 'Go.' I mouthed.

He grinned and dipped his head, throwing ice towards Wally before he ran off.

As he ran the ice melted from his body and Killer Frost joined him.

"Who the hell are you?" I know that voice.

I turned and smiled, staring at the Team.

Megan but with green skin, Artemis, Conner, Wally, Dick and...no Kaldur?


That's odd.

"Bluejay." I said, my face completely stoic.

"How'd you know about this? And how'd you get here so fast?" Dick questioned me.

"I could ask the same of you Boy Wonder." I turned, my cape billowing behind me.

"Why do you do this?" Kaldur was standing about fifteen feet in front of me.

There he is.

This makes more sense.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now