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Sighing I walked downstairs, my hair wrapped in the towel.

I so am not explaining dry hair.

"What the Hades?" I mumbled, staring on the scene.

Kaldur was sitting with his face in his hands.

Dick was on the floor wrapped in a blanket.

And Wally...his hair was standing up like he had gotten shocked.

"Please tell me you didn't stick a paperclip in the outlet." I looked at the ginger.

"Uh...no? I'm not an idiot."

"Mhm. Keep telling yourself that." I sat next to Dick and pulled the blanket off of him.


"Sharing is caring." I wrapped it around us.

Thunder rumbled again, and the wind seemed to pick up.

"Was there a hurricane in the forecast or something?"

"No. It was supposed to be clear weather." Kaldur replied to my cousin.

"So...what are we going to do?" Wally questioned.

"Well we can play board games, do jigsaw puzzles, drink hot cocoa. Or you know, watch TV like-" The power went out. "Never mind."

"I'm just gonna go drag some blankets down here." I slipped out from the blanket.


"I can hear the ocean better." Was my response.

I quickly rushed back upstairs, passing Bruce as he sat some food on the table.

Which I commented on after I came back down, dragging the blankets from my bed.

"Got lucky?"

He nodded. "Think you can carry them in?"

I smiled. "Definitely."

"Don't drop it." He said as he handed me the bowls.

Spaghetti. Yum.

"Do me a favor and set a plate or something ontop of these. Just so I don't have to make two trips."

Yep. I'm that lazy.

"Okay... I'm guessing you know which one is Wally's right?"

I nodded. "The one that has like a pound of pasta."

I walked into the living room, dragging the blankets with my foot.

"Food." I held out the bowls so they could each take one.

"Thank you Percy." Kaldur said as he took his.

Dick nodded his thanks.

And Wally?

Well... He's currently shoving food in his face.

So yeah.

I sat and quickly ate my food.

Before taking the bowl to the kitchen and washing it like a good child.

"So...whatcha gonna do?" I asked walking back into the room. Before they could answer I created a nest out of my blankets.

"Um...one what's with the nest? Two probably find a board game. I'm ninety percent sure that Bruce probably has twenty stashed here. Everyplace we stay you can usually find at least five."

Not that surprising.

"I like blanket nests."

Don't you dare judge me.

I could sleep on a forest floor.

Actually have done that so...

"Kaldur, truth or dare." Wally said out of nowhere.

"I am going to regret this if I pick dare. But probably if I choose truth as well."

"Come on! Pick one!"

Before Kaldur could respond, all three of their phones went off at the same time.

Dick checked his first. "Dammit. Icicle Jr. and Killer Frost are attacking Star City."

"Dude that's not your territory." Wally said.

Meanwhile Kaldur looks extremely worried, glancing at me every so often.

"I know that. But Arrow wants the Team to handle it. And so Bruce hands it off. Putting more distance between us and the Dynamic Duo."

"Which is smart of him. Have fun. And try not to die Dick. I don't want to see another of my cousins dead."

He saluted me. "Yes ma'am."

With that he rushed past me and up the stairs, based on the thudding noises anyway.

"You know?" Kaldur questioned.

I nodded. "Yep. Dick isn't as good as a liar as he'd like people to think."

Dick came back, in his full Robin attire. "You guys ready?" He threw something at Wally.

"Born that way dude." The speedster put on what Dick tossed to him, which turned out to be goggles.

"The storm should allow us to leave undetected." Kaldur looked out the window.

"Well, you guys should hurry. The storm will probably only get worse."

They nodded and headed towards the door.

Okay...I took a deep breath and prayed.

Dad, please let up on this storm. At least long enough for them to get where they need to go.

"See you later Percy. Stay inside. Bruce would throw a fit if you disappeared."

And then they proceeded to disappear out into the storm.

And you guys didn't think I was just gonna sit here did ya?

Cause if you did your stupider than I usually am.

Nope. I happened to sneak my costume here.

Don't question how I did it.

It involved a very quick unpacking and repacking job. And careful surveillance of dear old uncle Bruce.

Also... I'm really bad at following directions aren't I?

"Hey Percy. What are you doing?"

I looked down to see Bruce...sitting on the floor in front of a computer.

"Um, better question, why are you on the floor?"

He chuckled. "No reason. I'm gonna head out kiddo. Don't go anywhere." He went into his room.


If that wasn't convenient then I don't know what is.

Entering my room, I quickly dumped all my clothes on the bed, and pulled out the bottom.

Which is where my uniform rested.

Wrinkled and tossed in. But hey, not like I can take it to the dry cleaners.

How do they clean their uniforms anyway?

Do they just throw them in the washer or what?

I changed and locked the door.

Uh. Reverse that order.

Running a gloved hand through my hair I sighed.

This is going to be fun.

I pulled up a map, which just so happened to have where I needed to go marked.

Well. This is also convenient.

"Star City here we come."


I wrote this in a day.


I think I'll be nice and publish a chapter early tomorrow. To make up for the wait on that book.


See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now