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I looked up at the mystery person.

"Hey Kaldur." The teen was wearing a jacket and jeans, well that makes sense. Wearing his uniform wouldn't be smart.

"May I join you?"

"Go ahead."

He sat next to me on the sand.

"Are you okay?" He repeated his earlier question.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"If you were fine, I do not think you would be sitting this far away from the cabin."

I sighed. "I'm fine Kaldur. Just tired."

He was silent for about three minutes.

And then he spoke again.

"It is beautiful out."

"Yeah. It is."

Then I shook my head, a small smile on my face.

"You know, when I was younger I'd walk into the water at night and walk a while...before walking back up the beach. So if anyone saw my footprints they'd think I was a mermaid or something." I chuckled.

Kaldur laughed. It was a soft laugh, smooth too.

Gah! Don't. Do not get close.

My hand clenched on something.

And then I gasped out in pain.

What the Hades?!

Kaldur grabbed my wrist and pried open my hand.

A seashell.

Or a broken one anyway.

And I had a cut on my palm.


"We had better head back and get that cleaned up." Kaldur said, examining it.

If I didn't know he was Aqualad I'd wonder how he could see it.

"It's fine. It's just a scratch."

"Percy...it could get infected. You could become ill."

Like I care.

"I'll be fine Kaldur."

He sighed. "Let's head back though. I believe it is past midnight."

I gave a mental sigh. He's not going to give up. "Sure."

I stood and started walking towards the cabin. Not waiting for him.

If he thinks I'm rude...well... that's fine.

I'm just doing it to keep him safe.

Unfortunately he easily caught up.

But thankfully he didn't try to talk to me.

At least until all my stupid pretty much sleepless nights caught up with me and I started to stumble.

And almost faceplanted.

But he caught me just in time. "I believe you need the sleep."

No really?

I had no idea.

Not like the only reason I don't sleep is because I wake up screaming or anything.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, pulling away.

And this time actually falling.

I didn't make any move to get up.

"Are you-"

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now