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The next morning...well.

I discovered that Wally truly can eat a lot.

"Seriously dude?" Dick cried. "You ate mine too!?"

"You snooze you lose shorty."

He ate his humongous pile of pancakes. Then my cousin's.

"Okay you two shut up." I pointed my fork at them. "I seriously was debating taking yours Wally."

He snorted. "You think you could have ate them all?"

Smiling I nodded. "Imagine a bunch of kids daring each other to eat as much as they could. That's my summer."

"Why is that?" Bruce questioned, looking over his newspaper.

"Summer camp. Never ever doubt my summer camp." Leaning back in my chair I smiled gently. "I've grown up with those kids."

"Is somebody nostalgic?" Wally raised an eyebrow.

I sighed. "I miss them. I probably should drop by and say hi but..."

"With your parents dead it would be awkward huh?" Wow. Wally is so sensitive.

I glared at him. And my next words probably freaked him out a bit.

"No. But I've seen a lot of those kids die."

"Well that's cheery."  Dick deadpanned.

Sighing I shook my head, grabbing my camp necklace.

I'm so sorry guys.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did they die?" My uncle folded up his newspaper.

I twisted my hand in my necklace, a habit I picked up from Annie.

"Kids that go there, we tend to have short life expectancies. I wasn't supposed to make it past my 16th birthday...If I didn't die before that."


"We have a genetic defect," I lied, but do we have all of our DNA? Cause gods don't really do DNA. "Passed down on my father's side of the family."

"What type of genetic defect? Like immune system or-" Dick pulled out his phone and started typing.

"It's rare. We don't even have an official term for it. All we know is that it's dominant and that if you have either homozygous dominant or recessive it doesn't affect you. Only the heterozygous."

Thank you biology class.

"Is it like a blood disorder?"

I shrugged at my cousin. "Sorta. But it does affect our blood. We can't receive blood from anyone who doesn't have the disorder."

"That's so weird. You said you guys don't have an official term for it. But what do you call it?" The ginger looked at me.

"We call ourselves half-bloods." Not a lie.

"Why- ooohhh. Cause you guys have that weird blood thing going on."

And people think I'm stupid.

"Ignore him. He's smart. Just doesn't think." Now Dick is buried in his phone.

I wonder if I should IM Thalia. I haven't seen her for a while.

And if I don't... she'll probably kill me.

But if I do... she'll probably come to Gotham kill me have Nico bring me back to life he'd probably kill me then revive me and then...

Yeah. I just won't Iris Message her.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now