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I was sitting on Kaldur's bed, bouncing a ball against the wall.

The door flew open and Manta rushed in, carrying Kaldur.

I shot up and could only watch as he laid his son down, removing the helmet.

Kaldur's face was glistening and a few tears rolled down his face.

"Help me."

I nodded, taking off the top of Kaldur's armor as Manta lifted him up slightly.

"What happened?"

"The Martian did something to him." He growled snatching the armor from me.

My shoulders dropped. If it was something physical...I could heal that.

"I don't suppose you happen to know anything that would help him?"

Sighing I placed my hand on Kaldur's face. He flinched, whimpering.

But I kept my hand on his face and eventually he leaned into my touch.

"There you go." I ran my thumb over his cheek bone.

"Where did you get that ring?"

I looked up at Manta. "Kaldur."

I mean... technically both of us are here... though this is not what I meant when I told him that.

Silently, Manta walked over and pulled me into a gentle hug. "Make him happy."

"Oh, actually I'm going to make his life a living nightmare when he wakes up because this-" I gestured to my fiancé. "Isn't my definition of staying safe."

He pulled me closer to him, my head resting against his armor. "I don't know how I could let this happen to him..."

His body was beginning to shake and his arms tightened around me. "He's the last person I have."

Then he released me. "I'm going to get Tigress to go after the Martian, maybe Deathstroke could help her."

I nodded and sat on the bed staring at Kaldur's face.

Then I leaned onto him, pressing my face into his chest as my hold on my emotions slipped.

"You...you idiot! Do you not know what staying safe means?"

Aside from the rise and fall of his chest, he was completely still.

Which makes me wonder what kind of state he's in. When I wake up he's normally in some really weird position. Usually one where I can't get up.

"I can't lose you..." I whispered.

I heard the door open but I didn't acknowledge whoever the person is.

"Has he said anything?" Artemis asked, sitting on the bed.

"No..." I mumbled.


Sighing softly, I rested a hand on Percy's back. She's been through a lot.

And honestly, her family problems make mine seem like nothing.

But she doesn't deserve this. Kaldur doesn't deserve this.

Connor had filled me in on what Megan is capable of. And that's when she's restraining herself. I highly doubt she was doing that when she attacked him.

I could feel her body shaking as she cried. That's when I made up my mind.

If Megan doesn't know about this, if Wally and Dick don't tell her, I will.

I will make sure she knows so we can try to help Kaldur.

So he and Percy can...

Well, I mean I did notice the ring. I just chose not to comment on it cause, I mean I don't know if Percy's dad knows and if I found out before him...

I don't want to actually die.

"It'll be okay." Pulling Percy away from Kaldur and into a hug, I closed my eyes.

"You don't know that." She mumbled.

"You also don't know that this will end badly." I replied, keeping her close.

"How many times have I told people that? How many times has something horrible happened after I said that?"

I almost fell as her legs gave out on her. Then I put her up on the bed next to Kaldur.

"Get some sleep Percy. I need to go get ready."



Artemis left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

This is why I don't like him doing this.

This is-

Is this what Kaldur feels like when I get hurt? Um...now I feel really bad, like worse than before, for all the schist I've made him deal with.

Rolling over, I pulled myself against-

"Schist!" I grabbed my foot. Forgot he still had the bottom half of the armor on.

And that freaking hurt!

Now...my real question is do I want to risk that happening again or do I...

Oh gods why do I even have to say this? No, why do I have a feeling this will immediately be taken the most wrong way possible?

So do I want to risk stubbing my toe again or do I...want to take his pants off?

My face is burning up at the moment so please don't mind me at all.

Though he does have shorts on underneath, I watched him put this on earlier.

But still.

That's not something I'm planning on doing soon. Taking off his shirt is one thing, pants are completely different.

And besides, he's unconscious taking off an unconscious person's pants is something you should never do.


Screw it, I'm not stubbing my toe again. I may have suffered through a lot but stubbing a toe is still super painful.

I somehow managed to get them off of him, putting them with the top.

Walking back over, I laid ontop of him resting my head on his chest.

Artemis had better get this figured out. And Megan better be able to reverse this.

"You had better get better Kaldur'ahm." I mumbled into his chest.

If that picture at the top loads...

That's a possible book cover for my actual book

Whaddya think?


An author I really like did a survey thing so I did something similar

Totally cause I want to get to know you guys and in no part influenced by me being bored


And... (Please do it...Please)

See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum