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We'll just start out with the basics here okay?

As soon as I arrived...I scared the schist out of everybody.

Well...I shouldn't say as soon as.

"When is she going to get her!?" Wally threw his hands up.

"Patience Wally. She never specified when she would arrive." Kaldur said patiently.

"So you're saying she could show up at midnight?!" Artemis asked.

I chuckled. "Not midnight. I don't think it's midnight."

Everybody whipped around and stared at me.

"How'd you get in here?" Dick asked.

"You aren't the only one who can hack you know. I've been here for awhile."

"And you're just now telling us this? We could have been out doing stuff. But instead we were waiting here for you." Connor glared at me.

I shrugged. "I don't tell you how to live your life. And dude. It's ten o'clock. How long have you been waiting?"

Obviously not that long if Dick is here.

"Um. Are you seriously wearing that? It won't be easy to go out in public." Megan pointed out.

Oh. Right. Forgot.

But...why would Dad...

Actually I'm not going to question it.

"I might have some clothes stashed here that you could borrow." Artemis sighed.

"Thanks." I nodded.

"That won't be necessary."

Oh joy.

I was right.

"Hello Bats." I waved, before glancing to the two people with him.

Oh gods. This is going to be fun.

"I have discussed the issue of who will be your mentor. And these two have offered to fill that position. This is Black Canary. And this is Wonder Woman."

Bet you can guess why I'm slightly panicking.

Cause this could go either way.

If I choose Diana, she could figure out that I'm a demigod. And then she'd figure out who my dad is. And then she'd figure out I'm Bruce's niece and tell him.

Or if she doesn't find out, then if I had to kill a monster I could reveal myself as a demigod.

You know, cause the Fates seem to hate me to the point where both situations turn out the same.

But honestly...if I don't choose Diana...

Things turn out a lot worse either way.

So I guess I'm going to have to choose her.

"Quick question, how many people do you know named after birds?" I tilted my head.

Bruce sighed. "Just pick one."

I pressed my lips too and pretended to examine the two of them.

Diana I know has the ability to fly, increased strength, and the standard child of Zeus electrical powers.

Black Canary though...

Eh. What does it matter?

I know I'm picking Diana. I just want it to look like I'm thinking this through.

"Wonder Woman."

Black Canary smiled. "Good luck with her."

"I don't know if that was directed to me or her." Diana chuckled.


"Hey. Why did you say not to bother getting her clothes?" Wally asked.

"Because..." A screen appeared behind Batman. "Recently there has been a spike in activity in Northern Canada. This same type of activity has been seen before, all over North America."

"What kind of activity?" Artemis questioned.

"There have been sightings of girls running around. Only girls. And none of them appear to be any older than sixteen."

"Why is that so important?" Connor raised an eyebrow.

"We're also dealing with the fact there have been random lightning strikes following these girls. See if they're the ones causing it and stop them. Or if they are being chased and need help."

Oh gods.

Apparently Diana was also thinking the same thing.

"Batman, I believe that I could-"

"There's something else I need you to handle."

She nodded before immediately looking at me.

"Can I talk to her before they leave? Privately?"

"Go ahead."

Diana walked out of the room and I followed her.

She lead me through the hallways until we reached a room where she closed the door before relaxing.

"Listen. I have no idea who you are. But I'm trusting you. The leader of that group is my younger sister. Don't allow the Team to stop them."

I nodded. "No problem. You want to keep your family safe."

Turning I put my hand on the door. "And...you may not know who I am. But I know who you are."

Before she could question me, I opened the door and walked back to the living room, where the others were now gathered.

"What was that about?"

I shrugged. "Mainly if I hurt you guys she'd kill me."

"And you aren't put off by that?" Megan asked.

I shook my head. "Threats mean nothing to me. At least...until the people I care about are in danger."


"Let's go guys! The quicker we get done the quicker we can go out!" Wally said.

Around a mouthful of food.

"Or before you eat all the food!" Artemis threw something at him, which the speedster dodged.

"Guys. Northern Canada. You sure you'll be warm enough?" I raised an eyebrow.

How the heck do they travel so fast? I mean like I don't know where they were.

But I'm pretty sure they weren't in Canada.

"I'll be fine. It's cold where I come from."

"I'll be fine as well." Kaldur said. "Atlantean's can withstand cold temperatures."

I tried not to blush as I looked at him. And for once I succeeded.

Seriously, why did Dad have to do that?

Like why?

"What about the bird and Kid Mouth?"


"We'll be fine. Don't worry."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Here you guys go

Enjoy my 5 am mind

And hey

How do you think they'll find out about Percy being Bluejay/a demigod

Cause I have like ten different ideas

And yeah

Don't know which one I want to use

So you guys would be really helping me out

And hey

No punctuation in this AN


Now I'm gonna either type or play video games


See yah

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now