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"What is this place?" Wally looked around.

I resisted the urge to reach for Riptide.

I don't know what caused that surge...but it can't be Atlas.

Nobody would be stupid enough to take the sky.

And yes. I am perfectly aware that I was that stupid.

But to be fair...Annie was stupider. And mine was smart cause then we got a goddess to help fight.

"Quiet!" I hissed at him. "You're gonna get us killed."

Connor raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "Why do you act like you know this place?"

"Because I've been here before." Was my clipped reply as I glanced around.

I don't want to run into the Hesperides.

"Hey! Wait!" Wally took off.

What are you doing?! Do you want to get us killed?!

I thought I saw somebody.

This is bad...


Don't let them see you.


Just don't.

That's not an answer.

Yes it is.

I moved out from behind our cover and ran after Wally.

If this ends badly...blame him.

But somehow-

"What do we have here?"

Dam it.

"Who are you?"

She stared at the boys. "Oh...men...we haven't had any men here in such a long while."

What is she on about?

"Let us through."

"Oh why would I do that? You've already been to see our father. Haven't you done enough?"

Again. What is she on about?

"How about you join us for a dance?"

"No thanks."

She smiled. "Well then-"

There was a roar.


"Look what you've done. You've woken him. You're just as much as an idiot as our sister."

"For one I'm a lot more stupid then her. Two. You disowned her. Three. Have fun."

This way!

Wally took off again. And not having a better option at the moment, I followed after him.

"What are we doing?"

"I swear, I saw a girl." He looked around.

"Like the time the fish were making shapes?" Dick questioned, trying to start up his computer. "No luck. What about you Jay?"

I shook my head. We are literally in a place from myths. I highly doubt we'll have any luck with computers. At least until we get out of the garden.

"Better question, what the heck made that sound?"

"Do you want to stick around to find out? Come on." I ran.

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now