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I stared at the paper in my hands.

To Her Royal Highness, Princess Perseus Jackson, Daughter of the sea god, His Majesty King Poseidon.

Your immediate presence is requested by the king at his palace for undisclosed reasons.

He insists that you come and does not see fit to release any other details.

Faithfully yours
The royal scribe


This was on the doorstep this morning. It has my father's seal and everything.

If he wanted me to go down there, he could have just asked.

"What is it Percy?" Dick asked, trying to look at it.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just...just a message from my family."

"What's it about?" Bruce questioned, still in his apron.

Which read...

World's most beautiful cook.

I'm guessing Dick got him that as a joke.

I frowned. "I have to go somewhere to talk to some people. So... I'll see you." I shoved the note in my pocket.

If he wants to complain about a sweatshirt and jeans...well that's his problem.

"This early?"  Bruce raised his eyebrow.

I shrugged. "It basically says as soon as possible. It's best not to keep them waiting. Oh and don't try to follow me." Cause they'd die.

I strode out the door and headed down to the beach.

Looking around, I made sure nobody was around before diving into the water.

I quickly made my way to my father's palace, waving to a few merpeople on my way.

I was about to enter when I was stopped by a pair of crossed spears.

"State your business." One guard ordered.

Sighing I pulled out the note. "My dad sent for me."

They hurriedly removed their block. "Our apologies your Highness. Please enter."

I bit back a groan and swam through the entrance, making my way to the throne room.

I hoped to enter without any attention.

But that was ruined as I was stopped by another guard and a herald was waved forward.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Perseus Jackson."


Then the guard released me and allowed me to enter.

Dad grinned as I did.

However my face remained passive as I knelt at his feet.

I heard him sigh. "Percy, you don't need to kneel. I am your father."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon