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"Watch out!" I pushed Kaldur out of the way of an energy beam.

I threw a birdarang at the robot. Not that it will do much.

But it actually blew it up so...perks for poor design.

"Thank you." He stood. "We need to hurry. The others-"

"Might need our help? Yeah. I'd say."

The two of us snuck through the city. You know on the roofs.

We've been attacked by like six of those things.

I don't just think it's the dude Bruce said we're up against.

Cause reasons.

You guys mind helping us out?

No problem. I jumped down onto a robot before jumping off and throwing a birdarang.

That one blew up, while Megan threw one at another, and Connor kinda...broke one.

But there was one we missed...

"Watch out!" I yelled.

The beam fired, and Megan tried to dodge it.

But she couldn't. It hit her full force.

And it...



Vaporized her.

"Megan!!" Connor yelled.

I stared, frozen. No.


Not another one. Why?

Why do they keep dying?

Is it me? Or is it something else? Or is it me?

Kaldur wrapped an arm around me and pulled me away from the scene, into an alley.

"This is not how I wanted this mission to go...but we need to keep going. We cannot have let her die in vain."

I nodded. "We have to take whoever this guy is down. And keep anybody else from dying."

"Aqualad to Robin, meet up at Wayne Manor."

"What about me, Artemis, and Kid Flash?" Connor asked coming into the alleyway.

Kaldur paused for a second. "You three work at keeping civilians out of harm's way."

Connor nodded and ran back out.

"Did you get that Artemis?"


"Artemis, do you copy?"

He sighed. "Hopefully she's just out of range."

"And what about me?" I tilted my head. He needs to keep his mind in the game. Otherwise...things will go south.

He looked at me. "You should probably come with us."

Great. Just godsdamn great.

And no I didn't mean dam.

Okay just a little bit.

But still.

This is bad.

"This way." Kaldur lead me through Gotham towards the manor.

Weirdly enough, we didn't run into any bots.

Functional anyway.

"Bluejay, sweep the area for any remaining bots. If there are any around here, destroy them."

The Sea's Warrior (Fem. Percy/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now