45: Simple Dinner

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Wilford's POV

In no time we were at Y/N's home, it almost hurt to wake them from their peaceful slumber. "Y/N~~ Wake up, dear," I cooed while gently shaking them awake. Surprisingly, they woke easily, blinking away the sleep and looking around "We're already home?" I smiled at their tired voice. "Yes, love. I didn't want a repeat of the last time I drove you home, so I decide that waking you would be better" They let out a small chuckle, "Yeah."

The two of us got out the car and headed to her front door. While she was unlocking it, I bit my lip and prepared myself for what I would say next.

"Hey-" "Y/N-" We spoke simultaneously

They gestured to me "Ah, you go first." I cleared my throat and spoke, "Would it be alright if I stayed tonight?" Coward.

Reader's POV

I blinked at his sudden request. Considering what happened earlier, it's not really weird. "Yeah, I don't see why not." Wilford looked surprised at my approval, before he smiled widely "Thank you!" I unlocked the door and entered with Wilford behind me "Ah, what were you about to say?"

Oh right, I was going to say something earlier. A sheepish smile came onto my face "Heh, I actually forgot" Wilford closed the door behind him "Sorry, hope it wasn't important..." I waved off his apology "It's fine. If it was, then I'll remember."

Wilford locked the door behind us while I made my way to the kitchen "I'll make us some dinner. And don't you dare say that you'll do it, I'm cooking and that's final." After a beat of silence I heard the TV turn on, I chuckled to myself before starting on making the pasta.


Spaghetti was done and we ate on the couch watching Chowder,  a strange silence between us.

"Oh, I remember what I was gonna say earlier," I said with a mouth full of pasta. Wilford looked over at me "And?" I swallowed the food and spoke, "I was going to ask you if you wanted to stay for dinner." He smiled "Looks like things worked out." Wilford stood up from the couch and reached out for my now empty plate, I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off "It's the least I can do." I bit my lip, thinking if my stubbornness is more than his. I handed him the plate and the two empty glasses on the coffee table.

While he washed the dishes, I went to go get some extra blankets and pillows for tonight. Since Wilford's such a gentleman, he'll probably insist on sleeping on the couch. And there is no way, I am going to let that happen, not a chance. He's not gonna sleep in my bed? Fine. I got a little trick up my sleeve.

By some miracle, Wilford didn't notice my many trips to the bedroom and back to the living room, or all the noise I was making while getting ready.

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