21: Alter-Ego Playdate

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Wilford's POV

I love seeing my brothers happy as much as the next guy, but my GOD can it get annoying with them here. 'Who?', you may be asking. Easy, the 'Septiceyes'

"BRO! BRO! COME ON, I GOTTA SHOW YA MY SWEET NEW TRICKS!"  "AWESOME LET'S GO!" Chase and Bing run out to the back, skateboards in their hands "Wait for us!" Jim yells as he and Caster run with their camera. This was pretty normal

I decide to get a snack from the kitchen before I return to the comfort of the couch, or better yet, just stay in my room. I pass the dining room and see Chef, Robbie, and BingSepticEye calmly talking. Once I got to the fridge I grabbed a can of Dr. Pepper, and headed to my room (After closing the fridge door, of course)

On my way there I ran into Angus "G'day Will- Wilford! Fine weather for huntin', eh?"  "I woudn't really know much about hunting.. But yes, it is a lovely day!" We parted ways without much of a goodbye, a simple nod and we went our seprate ways. Me to my room, and him to the forest of Raspy Hill

You see, the SepticEyes don't really live in one big place like us Ipliers, they kind of have their own houses and live their lives without any nosy brothers butting in. Speaking of which, I wonder where Anti is...


That answers that question... I close my door just as I start hearing Dark's high-pitched ringing. I sigh and thanked God that I can't hear anymore-- *BANG!* "ANGUS WATCH WHERE YOU'RE AIMING, YOU NEARLY GOT CHASE!"  "YEAH! ACTUALLY HIT ME NEXT TIME!"

I ignore the constant screaming and try to get some work done, sipping on my Dr. Pepper I look over my files to see anyone to interview, or something that can get me back to doing some field work


I sighed and ran my fingers through my pink hair as I looked at the uninteresting papers "This is absolutely boring!" I said, slamming my papers onto my desk. Floofing my hair once-more, I grabbed my cellphone and dailed a number




"Hey Wil! Waddaya need?"

"How can you say that I need something from you?"

"Well you never really call, and you are my boss..."


"Haha! Seriously though, what's up?"

"I need your help looking for a groundbreaking story"

"Awesome! I'll come by your place tomorrow"

"Wait, what? Y/N, no don't--!"

"No, no! It's fine! I can just ask Ash to take me there, I know how she visits the Host a lot"

Right, Ash is coming here tomorrow... Agh! Focus!

"I gotta go now, see ya tomorrow Wilford!"

"Y/N WAIT--!"


".....Crap" I stuff my phone in my pocket and sigh. I need a fucking drink. Standing up and walking downstairs, I head to the liquor room; one of my favorite places in the mansion

(X) Warfstache's Apprentice [Wilford Warfstache x Reader] (X)Where stories live. Discover now