103 - Strong

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I nervously stood there, in the crowd of people more or less my age that spent the same amount of money as I to meet someone we all look up to. I know I shouldn't be nervous but I don't know what I would even say to him when my time comes. I rubbed my hands together, desperately trying to bring warmth in their coldness. I bit my lower lip to bring color into them.

I took the small envelope out of the pocket of my black hoodie, holding on to it as my life depended on it. Despite the long wait, I couldn't help but be happy to finally see one of the best artists ever in person. The person in front of me then came into the room, the only thing separating me and THE Shawn Mendes was a door frame and a couple of ushers by either side of it.

"Next." One of the ushers said, smiling sweetly at me as I saw the girl before me leave the room.

I hesitantly went up, taking slow but large steps towards him, as if afraid that my knees might give out if I went too fast. He looked over to me and smiled, stretching his arm out as if to welcome me into a hug.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" Shawn asked me once I finally reached him, taking me into his arms.

"I'm y/n." I said shakily, looking up at him in awe.

"It's nice to meet you, y/n. No need to be nervous, okay? I'm not going to hurt you."

"I-it's not that. I'm just... shocked, I guess. I can't believe I finally get to meet you and you have no idea how much you mean to me."

"Awe, thank you."

He hugged me once again, this time, my arms doing the same to him despite the fact that he was literally towering over me. We looked over the camera and smiled. Once we pulled away, I took a small notebook out of my pocket and asked him to sign it, which he gladly did. I took his hand in mine and placed the envelope in it, just as I was about to leave.

"I wrote you something since I know that my time to talk to you is limited. Feel free to read it whenever you're free. Again, thank you. It has been an honor to meet you." I said, smiling at him before walking towards the exit, pulling down my sleeve to cover my wrists.

I let out a breath I didn't  know I was holding as I stepped out. I followed the usher to where the entrance for the concert will be. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my heart from pounding out of my chest. I felt something warm and wet against my cheek and wiped it away, not realizing that I let a tear escape. I took my seat, a little to the front of the stage. After an hour or so of waiting, the concert finally started

To say that my jaw dropped to the floor once he started to sing was an understatement. Almost every high note and guitar solo made me want to melt. I couldn't help but smile. An actual, genuine smile. It's not like the ones I have been faking and it's all because of him. At the middle of the concert, his songs started to slow a bit. He replaced his electric guitar with an acoustic one and placed a chair in front of the microphone. He sat down as the screen behind him seemed to dim down.

"How are you guys doing?" He asked, smiling as the crowd screamed in return. "You guys have been absolutely amazing tonight. And it was such a privilege to meet some of you guys earlier. With that said, I received a letter from a fan during the meet and greet, in fact, I received a lot but this one just struck me. I read it as I was getting ready and I..."

He trailed off. I felt my blood run cold as his eyes scanned the audience. Of course, a lot of us were looking at his eyes, trying to find out who he was looking for. And then it landed on me. Some noticed and looked at me as well as I sunk my teeth into my lower lip.

"I just wanted to let all of you know that you are never alone. Even if I do not know each and every single one of you personally, I have your backs. I know that there will be times wherein it feels as if the entire world is against you. As if everything will just get worse from this point in your life and so on. But I promise you that it will eventually get better. Just stay strong. And please... please don't ever, ever hurt yourself. People need you, I need you. Do you guys think I will be where I am today without everyone here? I love you, always remember that."

I felt the tears well up in my eyes once again, a number of people behind me sniffling at his message. He gave me a small smile and turned his body to face my direction, a member of the stage crew walking over to him to adjust his microphone.

"This next song, I guess most of you know this. It's from my first album and I just feel as if I need to perform it for you guys tonight." He said, starting to play the intro. "This is A Little Too Much."

As he sang, I couldn't help but sob out all of the pain that I felt. I held the sleeves of my hoodie tightly and wiped my tears with it. Once the song finished, he glanced back at me and smiled. The concert went on after that. Just as it ended and I was about to turn to leave once the crowd started to get smaller, one of the guards went over to me.

"Miss, can you go with me please?" He asked, trying not to make that question seem intimidating.

"O-okay." I stuttered out shakily as I didn't know where the hell this was heading.

I quietly followed behind him as he went up the stairs beside the stage. Walking through hallways filled with people running around, I couldn't help but slip my hands into the pockets of my jeans, trying to shrink away. He stopped at a white door and knocked. It was then opened right after. I couldn't help but glance at the wall beside it only to be met with a bond paper with "Shawn Mendes" printed on it. Before I could even step into the room, I was pulled into a hug. I broke down right then and there.

"You're worth so much that you think, I promise." He whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. "You're also so strong. You made it this far. Don't give up just yet, love. There's so much more to live for."

"Thank you, Shawn." I sobbed into his shirt. "Really, thank you."

He pulled away slightly, wiping the tears streaming down my face with the pad of his thumb. I brought my own hands up to wipe them as well but me being the lucky person I am, the sleeves of my hoodie slipped down to my elbows, leaving my scars for him to see. I wasn't fast enough to bring them back up as his eyes cast downward.

"Oh, darling. I really do wish I met you sooner to stop you from doing this to yourself." He muttered, bringing my arms to his mouth and kissing each and every cut on the flesh. "But I know you now. I'm here to take care of you, if you would let me."

All I could do was nod.

And with that, the man I was only looked up to as an idol was now a friend, and maybe even more.

A/N: Not really in a good place at the moment. I don't listen to Roadtrip but when this song started playing in one of my daily Mixes on Spotify (that's how I discover new songs and artists), I was literally bawling my eyes out. I'm sorry if this was kinda shitty. And I'm sorry if I can't post regularly. I just don't feel like writing as much. If you asked me to make a story, I'm really sorry. I thought that once I graduate, I would be free to write but my thoughts are just getting worse.


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