127 - Reflection

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Silence has always been my best friend in times wherein I just need a break from everything. Most of the time, I use it to my advantage. To sleep. To read. To paint. But I wasn't expecting it to be the only thing in the house when I got home from visiting my family from another country knowing that the house is not empty. I read online that my roommate was taking a break for a while and I even saw his car up front. I was expecting him to be up and being productive but was shocked to see that he wasn't in the kitchen, living room, or even his music room when I came in the house.

I dragged my bags to my room and unpacked my stuff with music blaring from my phone. I muttered the lyrics to Sex Sells by Lovejoy as I do so. I gathered the food my parents made me bring into my arms and went out of the room. Just as I reached the kitchen, I heard another door open behind me followed by heavy footsteps. I placed the food on the counter and started placing some of them in the pantry.

"Hey." Shawn muttered, walking into the room. "Didn't know you were home."

"Hey! Um... Yeah, I just arrived an hour ago." I greeted, opening a bag of dried mangoes and sitting down on one of the tall chairs near the breakfast bar. I glanced at the wall clock and it was already three in the afternoon. "Did you just wake up? Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I haven't. I fell asleep at like six in the morning so I just woke up."

"Been up working or just couldn't sleep?"

"The latter."

"Do you want to eat anything? I was thinking of ordering some Chinese food. I've been craving shrimp dumplings and fried rice recently."

"Um... Sure, I guess."

That's when I froze from putting another slice of dried mango in my mouth. He has never been one to be hesitant about getting food. Not to mention that his replies are short. I know he just woke up but that is so unlike him.

"You okay?" I asked, taking a bite of the mango.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He said, sitting beside me and leaning his head onto my shoulder.

I moved my arm and wrapped it around his shoulder. "You just seem... off. Like you're out of energy to do anything, even reply to me."

"I'm just tired. Nothing to worry about."

He sat back up and grabbed his phone. "So just shrimp dumplings and fried rice?"

"Yeah. I can order it if you want."

"Nah, I'll handle it."

"Thanks. Just tell me how much it is and I'll pay you back. I have to go back to unpacking."

"Aren't you tired? You literally just traveled from the other side of the world."

"I'll take a nap after. For now, I need to be a little bit productive. What are you up to for today?"

"Nothing. Just resting while I can."

"Okay. Call me when it's here."

I placed a kiss on his cheek before standing up and walking over to my room. I resumed with unpacking my things while listening to music, only stopping to eat once the food got here. I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up at 8 AM the next morning.

Hours passed by slowly as I sat in a silent house. Shawn didn't leave his room once since I woke up, not even to eat in the afternoon. It was like I was home alone with only my electronic devices to entertain me the entire time. But I knew he was home. His car hasn't left. If someone picked him up, I would've heard. He may have slept at 6 AM once again and was out the entire afternoon but I doubt he would be sleeping for 12 hours straight and not wake up due to hunger or the need to use the bathroom.

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