73 - Royal Pain In The Ass? AU (part 2)

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*Please read the last part of the Author's Note after the story (you don't have to read my rant)*

Sit up straight. Don't cross your legs, put one ankle behind the other instead. Place your hands on your lap and smile kindly. After staring at myself for a good couple of minutes through the mirror, I exhaled and slouched back down. How I even survived princess lessons, I don't know. I hate how I'm always expected to be perfect or whatever. I'm just human, a typical teenager who doesn't see the point in becoming an image of something they're not.

I stood up from the chair and carried it to the desk where it's supposed to be placed. I grabbed my brush and ran it through ny messy excuse for hair. I then went over to my bed and plopped down onto the soft mattress, not caring if the prissy lavender dress I'm forced to wear gets wrinkled. A knock from the door made me sit back up, groaning as the door opened to reveal a familiar brunette in a black suit.

"You've been here for less than two weeks yet you already feel entitled enough to barge into my room uninvited." I said, raising an eyebrow at him as I crossed my arms across my chest, something I tend to do whenever I see him.

"Hey, I knocked so I guess that counts as my permission." He said, chuckling as he closed the door behind him.

"I did not say 'come in', Prince Shawn."

"Then I am deeply and greatly sorry, Princess y/n."

I shook my head at him and laughed as he sat beside me on the bed. I must admit, having him around is amusing. Since we're apparently arranged to get married, we had to sit beside each other in every dinner, every lunch, even breakfast but at least I was able to make side comments with someone near my age about topics our parents talk about. And, no, I don't know if he knows about it. But within the past days, we were able to get acquainted, become friends even.

"Lavender, huh? First time seeing you in a dress that isn't a shade of pink." He said, leaning back against the headboard.

"You've seen me wear black before therefore that comment is invalid." I said, hitting him lightly with a pillow.

"I said dress. Leggings, sweatpants, and sweaters fall under a different category."

"Fine. What are you doing in my room anyway?"

"Got bored. I was able to convince my dad not to make me go with him to his meeting but then I was stuck on my own with nothing to do. So I thought, 'hey why don't I go bother y/n for a bit?' Then I realized how wrong it would be if I asked you to go to my room instead now here I am."

"So I'm just your back up plan now? What a friend you are, Shawn."

"That's not what I meant and I know you know that."

"Is it? Because I would never let anyone think of me as an option and that hurt." I said, mockingly placing a hand on my heart and giving him a pained look.

He glared at me then quickly changed his expression by opening his eyes wider, sticking his lower lip out, and bring his palms together in a begging manner. "I'm sorry, Princess y/n. I really am. What must I do in order for you to forgive me?"

I pretended to think about it while placing a finger on my chin. I tried not to look into his wide, puppy like eyes since I know that I would give in right away without a fight. Not gonna lie, I kind of have a soft spot for this idiot of a prince but he doesn't need to know that.

"How about you... Go fuck yourself." I said before quickly messing his hair up, standing up from the bed in order to be prepared in case he was going to chase me.

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