66 - Sides

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I hate crowded spaces. It's like a wall made out of human bodies that seem to engulf you every time you try to move. You can be surrounded by four people yet feel suffocated due to the lack of space between all of you. Claustrophobia's not making the situation any better. It would take a few more steps and I would probably end up on the floor, crying absentmindedly. This has happened so many times before.

"Y/n, hold on, okay? You can do this. We're almost there. Few more steps." His comforting words calmed me down a little as he held me to his side.

We finally got out of the crowd and made it into the small café. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my heartbeat at the same time, enjoying the scent of coffee and cream. Shawn pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the forehead to help me out a little. He always knows how to make me feel better when I'm close to having a panic attack. He led us to a booth and made me sit down.

"Are you alright?" He asked, holding my hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I managed to get out once everything seemed to clear up.

"You sure? We could just order coffee then go back to the hotel right away. I don't want you to be stuck in a crowd again. Those were just around fifteen people but I can guarantee that the numbers will increase later on."

"Shawn, really. It's no big deal. Now go outside and meet some of your fans. I know you want to interact with some of them as much as possible. I'll just order brewed coffee for you."

"Are you sure?"

"You've asked me that twice. Yes, I'm sure. Now go."

He hesitantly stood up and leaned down to give me one last kiss on the head before going out of the place where his fans are waiting for him. He instructed two of his bodyguards stayed to watch over me once he got out and they went in, sitting at the booth behind me.

Watching him through the window, I couldn't help but smile at how he interacts with his fans. This is one of the things I absolutely love about him. He treats everyone equally and with kindness and respect. He always wears his heart on his sleeve. And let's face it, he's the best boyfriend any girl could ever ask for.

I stood up from my seat and went to the cashier to order our drinks. Once I paid and got them, I made my way back to the booth and patiently waited for him to come back. I looked around the place and saw that the place was almost full. There were a few girls glancing at me every once in a while and smiling, waving at me once they saw that they caught my attention. I smiled and waved back before focusing my attention back to the intricate design they created on the foam of the cappuccino. It was too pretty to not take a picture off. After a few aesthetically pleasing shots, I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Um, excuse me?" I looked up and saw three girls looking down at me. "Aren't you like Shawn Mendes' girlfriend?"

"Yes." I replied, flashing a small smile.

"Uhm, ew. What does he even see in you?" The one in the middle said, looking at me in disgust.


"I mean, you're ugly. Crooked teeth, pimples and blackheads here and there, double chin, and come on, you're fat."

"Oh my God!" One of her friends laughed at her remark. "She's probably just using him for money! It's all because he's famous and earns shit loads of cash!"

"Y/n, honey, let's face it. You're fake, fat, ugly, and don't deserve Shawn. He needs someone who's a little less useless." The third one said, faking sympathy.

The first one laughed and continued to mock me. I stood up and crossed my arms at them, raising my eyebrow as I waited for them to finish. If I were a cartoon character, I would have smoke coming out of my ears and nostrils by now. It's taking everything in me to stop myself from punching them straight in the face and bang their heads against the windows. Slapping them would not do as much damage as I would want. The bodyguards stood up and were about to interrupt but I gave them a look and shook my head. This is my fight. I should do this by myself.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now