75 - Demonyo (AU)

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*NOTE: This is JUST an AU imagine. This is does not promote a religion nor favors it over another. It's merely fantasy and out of imagination*

Heat. It was all I could feel other than the sharp pain rushing through me. It was as if I were being burned slowly yet surely and had me panting out in hopes for something to cool me up. I opened my eyes slowly only to be met with darkness. Everything was pitch black and eerily quiet. My heart started to race, just thinking of where I could possibly be and couldn't help but panic. Where am I? Why aren't I in the sky where I'm supposed to be? I attempted to stand up only to be pulled down by some sort of pressure and stinging pain on my wrists.

"Hello?" I called out. "Hello? Can someone please tell me where I am?"

I was then met with silence as my voice echoed before turning into nothing.


"Hush, child." A voice replied.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

A fire erupted from my far left, making me jump out of shock. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the sudden source of light, making me squint to see if there was anything around me. The fire was not exactly bright but it was enough for me to see through the darkness. I looked down on my arms to see metal chains tying me down. The flesh on my wrist was bruised and bleeding. The cuffs cut into my skin as I tried to get them off. I let out a cry as I looked around, only to find nothing other than the fire.

"Pathetic girl." The voice said once again.

"Where am I?" I cried out once again.

"Pathetic, weak, and stupid. Not exactly a good mix but what the hell would you expect from my Father? You're in the underworld, child. Your King of the Heavens sent you here as a messenger yet you passed out before you could utter a word."

"Our Lord just wanted to take back one of His children whom you have gotten by mistake. He's supposed to remain in purgatory for the mean time as his judgment has not yet been finished."

"Of course He would go after my property." The voice scoffed. "And whom might that be?"

"He did not mention a name."

"Very well. You may leave."

The iron binding me to the ground faded into ash. I stood up once again and tried to use my wings to fly me out of the place yet pain shot through my back. I screamed out in agony, making me fall back down on the ground. It feels as if someone cut out a vital part of me. The voice laughed, as if enjoying seeing me suffer.

"I was right. You truly are pathetic." The voice hollered, its laughter ringing through the darkness. "νεογέννητος (neogénnitos), guide this useless angel back to the damned place in the sky."

The fire seemed to grow brighter and bigger. It swirled around and created a circle around me. Just as I was about to move back, a silhouette of a man with wings emerged from the flames. Neogénnitos, newborn. He must be the one the King of Heaven has asked for. The figure soon swept me off my feet and flew out of the realm. I buried my head onto his neck on our way up, trying to avoid looking at all the pain and suffering that could be seen in the Underworld.

"Who are you?" I asked, sunlight blinding me as we left the underworld.

"I... I do not have a name." The man said, lowering me to the ground.

I stood up and let my eyes adjust to the light. I soon turned around and studied the unnamed stranger. He is taller than me by not more than a foot. His brown hair was slightly curled but stayed put on his head. His skin was a ghostly shade of white. His deep brown eyes bore into mine. He's dressed in black: black leather jacket, black pants, black shoes, black shirt. Even his wings were black.

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