72 - Royal Pain In The Ass? AU

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Trying to stay awake during lessons is probably the hardest task anyone could ever go through. I barely even slept because one of the books I saw in the library downstairs was just so interesting that by the time I fell asleep, it was already past three in the morning. Then my mother had to wake me up at six for breakfast and lectures. And now, sitting in the room with walls covered in book shelves that reach the high ceiling, I can't help but doze off as the wrinkled old woman talked about proper etiquette in a thick French accent.

"Princess y/n!" She yelled, slamming her stick on the wooden surface of thw table right beside my arm. "A member of the royal family does not sleep during class. Now sit up straight. A good queen has a good posture and does not slouch."

"But Madame Angier, I'm tired. I was not able to sleep as much as I could have because I became so engrossed with this book by Victor Hugo-"

"A historical fiction about the French revolution? Les Misérables. I'm familiar with it. But your Highness, that is no excuse to sleep in my class. Now sit up straight, arms on the table, and eyes faced front."

I internally groaned and did as I was told. Around five agonizing minutes of getting yelled at for dozing off, my mother finally came into the library, her hair tied up in a bun and her royal blue pencil dress was perfectly ironed. She looked classy, something people expect me to be.

"Good morning Madame." She said, giving her a kind smile. "I just came to check on my daughter. Has y/n been attentive to your lessons or is she dozing off again?"

"With all due respect your Majesty, she has been having a little trouble focusing for she claims that she lacks sleep." The old woman said, keeping her stick behind her back.

"Dear, is that true?"

"I was up until God knows what time reading a novel. I'm sorry mother but can you blame me for falling asleep?" I asked her, giving my best innocent puppy eyes with a matching pout.

"Madame Angier, is it okay if you dismiss her early? Another kingdom will be visiting and I cannot afford to have her look like a walking zombie."

"Of course, your Majesty." The old woman said with a tight lipped smile.

I immediately stood up and gathered my things. My mother thanked her as she left, smoke practically coming out of her ears. I placed the books and my notebook in a small area at the topmost shelf of the fiction section, meaning I had to climb twenty or so feet up the ladder in order to do so and slid down expertly.

"You can go to sleep if you would like. I'll have someone bring your lunch to your room later at twelve and get ready at about three because we will be welcoming our guests at five." Mother instructed me as I merely just nodded at her in agreement. "And y/n, try not to cause any trouble please, especially with your tutor. She may act all nice when I'm around but I know she's about to blow a fuse. She's the only decent teacher we could find in the entire kingdom."

I just merely nodded and made my way up to my room. I closed the door and slipped out of the obnoxious bright pink summer dress. I get that royals have an image to keep up but come on! It's already the 21st century yet I'm still forced to wear dresses when I would rather wear leggings and a band shirt. I slipped on a pair of gray jogging pants and a black Nirvana shirt before climbing onto my bed and eventually catching the sleep I needed.

A few hours after, I was awakened by my little sister who decided to jump on me for no absolute reason. I groaned and threw a pillow at her head. She just chuckled before making her way to the table near the door where she placed a tray of food. She brought it over to me and joined me on the bed as I ate.

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