36 - Holiday Surprises

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Christmas, the season of giving and receiving, but mostly giving. The time when you get to spend it with your friends and loved ones. The time when the cold wouldn't bother you that much since you're surrounded by the ones who matters most. Who wouldn't be happy in this time of the year? Personally, this is my favorite holiday— well, other than Halloween, of course.

"Y/n, can you help me out with the lights please?" Shawn asked as he put the last minute touches on the tree.

I groaned, placing a bookmark between the pages of the book I was reading before closing it. I grabbed the multicolored Christmas lights and handed it to him. He wrapped it around the tree from the top so it would be easier to  add another string of lights if it's not enough. After helping him out with the bottom part, he climbed down the ladder and stood beside me. We stood there staring at the tree, decorated with the colors red and gold. We decided on going with that specific color scheme since we did blue and silver last year.

"Turn the lights on." I said, jumping up and down like a little kid. (I wanna love you with the lights on... 😂✌)

He chuckled before bending down to plug the lights in. I stared in awe at the tree. Damn, he outdid himself this year. Last year, I had to take charge since he just put random ornaments on the tree when we both agreed on a white, silver, and blue theme. I wrapped my arms around his torso as he pulled me closer to him.

"What time will your family be here?" I asked him, burying my head into his chest.

"In about twenty minutes. Yours?" He said, resting his head on mine.

"Probably ten minutes from now. My cousins are coming over from Vancouver this year so I'll be the good girlfriend I am and warn you about them since they're pretty much more protective of me than my brother is. Oh, and my one year-old niece will probably be running around later so be prepared to catch her in case she goes somewhere dangerous like the kitchen or the stairs."

We stood there in comfortable silence before I had to pull away and go to the kitchen to check on the food. I still had to wait for the ham to finish cooking then get ready for the dinner. The soup tasted as good as it should. The pork potato pie just came out of the oven. I shouldn't really go into details since it might just make me want to eat now and not wait for everyone to arrive. (Sorry if some of the food stated above goes against your religion)

"Babe, I'll take care of the food. I know you still have to get dressed." Shawn said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I transferred the food into a much more presentable platter.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Just don't burn the place down. If you do, let's just say you're not getting anything tonight."

I heard him groan as I left to go to our room. I changed out of the green sweater and black leggings into a gold dress with gold lace sleeves, black leather belt around the waist, and stops just above the knees. I took the black uggs off before slipping on a pair of black, three-inch heeled ankle boots. I ran a brush through my hair to remove any tangles and let it fall freely on my shoulders instead of styling it in any way. I did my makeup before making my way downstairs with the bags of gifts. I placed all of them carefully under the tree just in time for the doorbell to ring.

"I got it." Shawn said as he came out of the dining room where he was fixing the table.

"No, babe. I got it. You should get dressed." I said, pecking him on the lips.

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