126 - o7 to the Blood God

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"Hey." He greeted, walking into my office as I moved my character around, laughing at one of my friend's jokes.

I quickly muted my microphone to make sure Noah's stream didn't hear him. I was currently in a Discord call with one of my friends while we played Minecraft since he was currently live on Twitch and God knows how boring it can get when you're streaming alone. I turned my chair around and took my headphones off.

"Hey Shawn." I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He placed his hands on my waist and quickly leaned down to pressed a kiss on my lips. "You streaming?"

"No but Foolish is."



"Ah, got it." He bent down and kissed me on the forehead before pulling away. "Well I don't want to keep them waiting. If you need anything, I'll be in the other room. Food will be here in about ten minutes."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

I went back to my chair and put the headphones back on. I was met by another round of screaming, making me wince and quickly pull one of the cups away from my ears as I unmuted myself. I turned my character around to see him fall into the abyss as he played Parkour Warrior on the Minecraft Championship practice map.

"Jesus Christ, what was that for?" I complained.

"I keep messing up on this part! I've literally been stuck here for the past ten minutes!" He groaned, running his hand through his hair out of frustration.

"But that part's easy! I've shown you how to do that several times!"

"For you! You've literally been trained by Dream in Parkour Warrior! Of course you're gonna be good at it!"

"What does Dream have to do with anything?"

"Well, for one, he's a record holder in this game. I've seen some of his old game plays wherein he was the first one to finish this map."

"He's a god at Minecraft, what do you expect? The green blob has been playing since it first came out."

"True. Where were you anyway? I was trying to talk to you but you were muted for a while."

"Oh, my b- housemate walked in to tell me that he ordered food for us."

"Speaking of food, I should really order some as well. Haven't eaten anything in the past eight hours."

"You've been live for eight hours? Then again, you sometimes stream for twelve so I really shouldn't be surprised."

"To be fair, I've spent like an hour on Duolingo."

I glanced at his stream for a bit, wanting to engage with them a little. "You should feed the doozers sometime. Seems like you haven't fed your chat in a while." (To those who aren't familiar with Foolish_Gamers, he calls his Twitch chat "doozers")

I looked at my second monitor and watched as his chat start messaging "NODDERS true y/user/n" as he rolls his eyes. Donations and bits started coming in, agreeing with my statement. "Feeding" chat basically means putting food towards the camera lens and have the chatters message emotes to make it seem like they're eating. It's just a bit we sometimes do to engage with chat while we're eating.

"No, they don't deserve it." He stated.

"Oh come on. They've been well behaved for the past few hours, right chat?" I chuckled as they started spamming the peepoCute emote in chat. (Look it up if you want to 😊) "See?"

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now